Monday, July 31, 2006


thanks to my cool surfing habits i found a site that lets me put videos on my website. how cool is that. so every monday u will get a song. **BEWARE** i have eclectic music tastes. so u probably won't like what i choose. but enjoy the song. it will automatcially play everytime u pull up the page. just stop the song if you wish not to listen to it. when there is a song of the week there will not be a word of the day. so without further adu....

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Do yo chain hang low?

Do it wobble to da flo?

Do it shine in da light?

Iz it platinum, iz it gold?

Could you throw it ova ya shoulder?

If you hot it make you cold?

Do ya chain hang low?


adduce: To cite as an example or justification. To adduce it to bring something forward for consideration. To cite an example or put forth a prpsotion is to adduce.

I would adduce the following reasons in support of rewriting the club charter.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


alright so i was reading fotinni's comments. now that she is back from greece i have people to read my blogs. (comment people, and thank you to those who comment).anyway she wrote "sorry i called u on your anniversary". now if u go to my perfect days post..... that is when we celebrated our anniversary. but i had every intention to celebrate it on monday as well. with annoying phone calls to kyle and a beautiful and moving blog. needless to say this didn't work since i just realized it's the 26th. i missed my own anniversary. instead i posted some stupid blog about a barbaque (no offense rachel) so why did diana miss her own freakin anniversary when it's probably only her that cares about such a thing. well, we already kinda celebrated it, so it felt like closure. next monday night sucked ass. that is if ass is suckable. it was awful and awful and i wish i could tell u. lets see......imagine awhole bunch of soaps. like a whole wall/isle of soaps. got that in your head. GOOD!! now imagine a whole wall of razors. razors, shaving creams, cartriges, the works. now try and imagine diana switching the locations of these two walls. soaps where the razors go and razors go where the soaps are. it was a disaster. awful. and i had a headache. and after that i wanted to get drunk but diana is stupid (or smart however u wish to look at it) and has a dry house. so she couldn't go to the liqour store and she didn't want any beer. so i stayed up and watched movies. if i had know that was my anniversary....well lets not discuss it. i completely forgot about it. because i had already celebrated it. so for the record


congratulations to diana and kyle for reaching 5 years. and may every couple strive to do the same. these years have been absolutly amazing...but the most amazing part is what's to come.


i spent an incredible evening catching up with crystal. and tomorrow i get a massage. and thursday i get to see kyle so, life is good. or better i should say. tata for now!!!!!!!!!!!


addendum: Something additional; an item to be added on. An addendum is someting that is added (for instance, a supplement to a book),.

Before we adjourn, please let me add the following brief addendum to the record.

Monday, July 24, 2006




Hey guys! It seems that we always get together during holidays, which are always in the middle of that nasty school year. So I would like to get everyone together for, *gasp* no reason at all! So, on to the plans, on August 3rd – a week from this Thursday I’m having a pool party. I understand that this is not giving two weeks, but I have some requests to not have it on a weekend and this seems to be the best day. So if a large quantity of people can not come this day then speak NOW, BY TOMARROW (TUESDAY) and we may be able to switch to Monday the7th. The party is at my apartment complex The Reserve and I will post directions soon. It will start at 4 pm. I will provide hamburgers, all applicable condiments, lasagna (for any non beef eaters), and some ice tea. However, if you can I would appreciate people to bring their choice of libation, beer liquor etc. Remember we will be spending lots of time by the pool, so no glass bottles. If you cant no worries there should be plenty to share. As always all friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses (doesn’t that sound weird) etc are invited. I would appreciate an rsvp by reply to this post (on my blog at ) just so that I can estimate hamburger needs; but if someone wants to come last minute its no problem.

Okay, I am experiencing some technical difficulty getting my own blog up and running, not to mention every name seems to be taken. So please respond to Crystals for now and I will have my own blog shortly. Any questions please e-mail me at

Sunday, July 23, 2006


so last wed. i went up to kyle's apartment. it was suppose to be just for wedensday but i re-arranged my schedule to be there for thursday too. it was wonderful. on wed. when he got off from school we went to go get his clothes washed at the laundry mat. we dropped them off, then we went to go get a snowcone. then we went to blockbuster to find a movie. we finally decided on she's the man GREAT MOVIE!!! then we went back to the laundry matt where we transfered the clothes from the washermachine to the dryer. then we went shoe shopping. i got two new pairs of shoes. i picked out one and kyle picked out the other. then we went back to get the clothes and they weren't dry. the lady gave us free tokens to use different dryers to get the clothes dry. so we went out to whattaburger and got some food. went back picked up the clothes. went home and had a blast. we hadn't talked like that in ages.....and the cuddleing. that's what we enjoy over everything else. holding eachother until one falls asleep. it was a blast. then for the next day i convinced him to let me cook. so i did.....and he actually liked it. he wasn't lying or saying he like it. which is what he usually does. he kept going on about how juicy and tender my chicken was. i told him "baby, i have told you i could cook" and he goes, "i know, but now i believe you" i didn't like the vegtable i made. but he did. which was the point. i made them especially for him. but he didn't like my shells in white cheddar. which was the point. we comprimised. he got his medoly of vegtables. although normally i loved sauteed vegtables he likes these veggies like elchico's makes them. i have tried 3 times for him to try and get them right. and i finally did. that night. kickass!!! and my chicken was good. although i was dissappointed that the bacon didn't fully cook. so i put it in the microwave and poof all fixed. the chicken was breaded with swiss cheese bacon tomatoes and parsely on top. but i learned the secret. when i cooked the steak for him, (it was awhile ago) although it was over cooked and not my best work he loved the way it tasted. so i remembered that and have realized that my baby loves the taste of jack daniels. so i put it in everything from the veggies to the chicken. that's probably why he liked it so much. when it comes to food our tastes are so different that sometimes it's just easier to go out. but we had a nice romantic evening. after dinner we went to his bedroom and just talked. it was nice. the whole two days were nice. we totally did not want the sun to rise. but i am glad we had a nice time becasue although this was not our anniversary day we were celebrating it. and this week he has finals so i won't be able to see him until thursday. oh, and my gifts were this delicious wine. turnning leaf white zinfeldel reserve. it was delicious. he also got me the movie ella enchanted, the newest bond album, and these gorgious flowers. not roses though, which is his usual, but he said the particular flowers, they were tropical, matched my soul better. and i agree. i do have a very colorful soul and personality. so far i only gave him a book and a picture of us, and i cooked dinner. which is what i wanted to do. anyway so yeah it's nice to know after 5 years we still click and we still "have it" or whatever that is. i love him and i am glad that we have made it twow 5 years. that's longer than most marriages last. lol!!! that's kinda funny. oh well.



adage: A short proverb or saying. An adage is a brief maxim "A stitch in time saves nine" is an example of an adage.

The old man quoted adages endlessly, which the reporter duitfully took down in his notebook.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


secrets. what is a secret. according to this it states:

se·cret ( P ) Pronunciation Key (skrt)adj.

1. Kept hidden from knowledge or view; concealed.
2. Dependably discreet.
3. Operating in a hidden or confidential manner: a secret agent.
4. Not expressed; inward: their secret thoughts.
5. Not frequented; secluded: wandered about the secret byways of Paris.
6. Known or shared only by the initiated: secret rites.
7. Beyond ordinary understanding; mysterious.
8. Containing information, the unauthorized disclosure of which poses a grave threat to national security.


1. Something kept hidden from others or known only to oneself or to a few.
2. Something that remains beyond understanding or explanation; a mystery.
3. A method or formula on which success is based: The secret of this dish is in the sauce.
4. Secret A variable prayer said after the Offertory and before the Preface in the Mass.


Middle English, from Old French, from Latin scrtus, from past participle of scernere, to set aside : s-, apart; see s(w)e- in Indo-European Roots + cernere, to separate; see krei- in Indo-European Roots.]


secret·ly adv.

Synonyms: secret, stealthy, covert, clandestine, furtive, surreptitious, underhandThese adjectives mean deliberately hidden from view or knowledge. Secret is the most general: a desk with a secret compartment; secret negotiations. Stealthy suggests quiet, cautious deceptiveness intended to escape notice: heard stealthy footsteps on the stairs. Covert describes something that is concealed or disguised: protested covert actions undertaken by the CIA. Clandestine implies stealth and secrecy for the concealment of an often illegal or improper purpose: clandestine intelligence operations. Furtive suggests the slyness, shiftiness, and evasiveness of a thief: a menacing and furtive look to his eye. Something surreptitious is stealthy, furtive, and often unseemly or unethical: the surreptitious mobilization of troops preparing for a sneak attack. Underhand implies unfairness, deceit, or slyness as well as secrecy: achieved success by underhand methods.

so basically what this all means is that secrets are complicated. secrets exsist to drive our lives. without secrets a social life wouldn't exsist. hell, friendships wouldn't exsist. but the problem with secrets is although they serve an important role...building trust and friendship where is that fine line between shared knowledge and gossip. when do you know when to keep the secret and when to tell. would u die to keep a secret.....and why would u keep something a secret in the first place. i write about this because of all the things i have heard about recently and a movie i saw called little secret. LITTLE SECRET and it made me think about alot of things. we are all playing the same game and all looking for some sort of redemption. but we can't find a way to free ourselves. either way we will be judged and looked upon and sometimes we feel it is better if no one knows. then we get so caught up in pretending when what we are seeking is the truth. then we think maybe it's better if no one knows. because what they don't know can't hurt them. but the truth is it doesn't hurt the people you are keeping the secret from. it hurts you.....the secret keeper. so what are we looking for...freedom, privacy, to be unjudged yet still loved. why do we not tell people where we were last night, or the truth of why you weren't invited. when do we tell people what we really think instead of backing down. (and u would totally think i would have mastered that one but yet my greatest nemisis is still out there and i have not yet conquered). you aint't got to walk alone....secrets hurt. you can't keep secrets about your self and live a true life. although i was inspired by this movie to write a ranting.....i didn't think it was fair to write a whole blog about secrets and not spill one of my own. that would be hipacritical.....or at least i think it would. it goes.

i was 15 and just finished my freshman year in highschool. it was an awful year and i was coming out of a depressional period. i was trying to find who i was as i die....and over this summer i did. i went on a church mission a town called miami. (i know tabz....but u down't know this story i promise.) i was 15 years old almost 16. but with glasses and braces i looked 12. anyway at this event they put u into what is called a god squad. one or two people from each church was in each squad so we could meet new people. i was stuck with jason. he was 12 and new to youth group. anyway while our squad was getting to know each other jason(i think that's his name but for tabz it was patty's son...u know the one that turned into a huge flirt) started hitting on me and putting his arm around his waste. well of course i was repulsed. what would a sophmore like me be doing dating a 6th grader. everyone started making fun of after 2 days of this torture i came up with a half truth half lie. i told them that i a 16 yearold would never be intrested in a boy like him, but he goes to my church and i was just trying to be nice. which was all true except for the whole 16 part. but i was only 3 months away. i was practically 16. anyway latter that day we were telling each other our birthdays and i told them mine was in september. big mistake. because that meant i was 16 fixing to turn 17. so instead of being practically 16 i told them i was practically 17. they didn't believe me at first. and our god squad leader was danny an adult who goes to church with me and has practically known me for ever. i thought they would ask him and find out the truth. anyway all the boys went crazy about my age...and i guess it helped that i looked so inocent. but guys would not stop hitting on me and flirting with. i had never had so much fun with guys. but i hated the fact that i lied. and i was in fear that they were going to find out. which would be a disaster because the treated me like shit before they knew my "age". i also hated that i didn't bother to correct it. at the end of the ordeal they (my group) told me that they couldn't wait to see me next year...and we exchanged info. e-mail addresses etc. but i felt so guilty that i didn't call or contact anyone. and when i got home i had wished that i could take it all back. i keep it a secret because it was a regret. and i live my life with no regrets. and if everyone who knows how i preach about no regrets how would they act if they knew i had a regret. one in which if i could go back intime and change. in fact this was the last regret i ever had and i wish i could have been more i am today. i don't hide much from people. i tell them whats on my mind...i even admitted i had a bladder problem on this blog. i guess the point is we all have secrets and we all need someone to tell them too. don't let the secrets control you....and if you think someone is going to get hurt because of the secret ur keeping and that's why ur not saying anything it probably means it needs to come out.
p.s. this secret was true and real and all though there are probably more jucier ones this is the one i am most afshamed of. well except for that one time in highschool where kyle and i took provocative pictures of each other and his mom found the pictures. that was embarassing!!!!!

i know that earlier i had said i was going to talk about how my house cleaning went....but obviously since i watched this movie and then blogged about's safe to assume that's it's as clean as ever. so now..............................

WORD OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

acute: Sharp, shrewd, or severe. Acute can refer to something that is severe or sharp (for instance, an acute pain). It can also means "markded by keen discernment or intellectual perception."

After she fell of the horse, Doris (hehe) felt an acutepain in her (or his) side.

Friday, July 21, 2006


before i go to work i had the best two days with kyle. and i will describe it more in detail later. but for now i need help. i am going to clean my house. i say this alot but this time i need moral support. i also need a reason for doing have to come up with one. and a plan. kitchen and my room tonight i hope. anyway it's time to go to work. i just don't want to go.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


so this is one of my favorite bands of all times. i thought i would bring them up because i didn't know what to talk about.....and i think that they are really cool. each of these ladies plays a musical instrument. they combine classical music with techno to create beautiful music with a modern twist. plus it totally helps that these women are drop dead gorgous. i was introduced to them in my freshman year in college. and although i have only heard their entire cd called BORN. i have heard parts of their other peices. i can't wait to own all their albums. but for now i will listen to them on my station. oh, and here is a picture of them with bruce willis .
plus he is totally famous and can prove that they are good. he is not insane and does have tremedous taste. although i admit his wardrobe style could be changed just a bit.

WORD OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

acumen: Keenness of judgement. Acumen referss to an ability to make quick, accurate decisions and evaluations. It is characterized by rapid discernment and insight.

After only two years as a restaurant owner, Clyde developed a remarkable business acumen; in a supposedly "bad location," he had little trouble coming up with promotions that attracted customers.

Monday, July 17, 2006


so i woke up went to work. had a rotten time. more rotten than usual. got off work went out with my sister.

trip to bank- withdrawl of $15
trip to remmington park-lost $6
trip to on the border-spent $25
used gas-$20
need new shoes because i stepped in gum-$5
stopped at johnny carinos to see crystal and buy a drink- $6
went to go see a movie at a theater that doesn't take credit cards- priceless


acrimonious- Mean-spirited, bitter, or ill-natured. Acrimonious refers to language or exchanges that are filled with animosity. Something characterized by sharpness or bitterness of speech is acrimonious.

Divorce is, we must remember, an expensive emotionally devastating, and acrimonious affair.

di's version- Tonight the adventure was so acrimonious that it convinced me that i should stay locked up in the house and never leave. That way acrimonious adventures won't happen and my moods won't be acrimoniouly affected by my acrimonious adventures such as the acrimoniousation that happened tonight!!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006


i worked all day and i am mad as hell. i am so mad that i don't feel like talking. so.........


ACRID: biting or harsh in odor or taste; deeply or violently bitter. Acrid refers to anything unpleasntly sharp and pungent to the senses of smell or taste. Acrid can also be used to describe a bitter or harsh verbal exchange between persons.

Florence's acrid remarks did not sit well with the Board of Directors.


alright so if you all read the post before this (if u haven't go and read right quick) u know what a tandem story is. so i thought it would be cool if we did one bloggers style. here are the rules. all who wish to participate write "aye" as ur comment. first come first serve. i will write the first paragraph, the 1st person to comment will write the second paragraph and post both the previous paragraph and the one they wrote. once it is posted the next person who commented will write the next paragraph and post all previous paragraphs. this will continue until the last person has posted their paragraph. i will finish by writing the last paragraph. that way the complete story will be on my blog. please invite as many friends (aka bloggers) to get involved in this. i think it would be alot of fun. just make sure that if they wish to participate they comment so we will have a list of who is participating. lets have fun with this!!!!


"What do you mean the pandiminsional vortex inducer is missing?!?" shouted Leighla. "I leave to get us a spot of breakfast and you loose it?"
"I fought as hard as I could." Nichole said in defense.
"Who got it?"
Leighla stood there stunned. "Dabu, are you sure?"
"Yes," Nichole said through her tears. "I thought he was coming to protect it and next thing I know I am being attacked."
"It's okay," Leighla gave Nichole a hug. "He is quite strong, and your powers are no match for him. I didn't think he would betray us though." Leighla stood their trying to comfort Nichole. Nichole was her best friend and she didn't like that Nichole was upset. "Do you feel better?"
"Yes, but I would feel even better if we got the pandiminsional vortex inducer back."
"Agreed" Leighla confirmed. "Shall we rally the troops?"

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Here's a prime example of "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" offered by an English professor from the University of Phoenix. The professor told his class one day, "Today we will experiment with a new form called the tandem story. The process is simple. Each person will pair off with the person sitting to his or her immediate right. As homework tonight, one of you will write the first paragraph of a short story. You will e-mail your partner that paragraph and send another copy to me. The partner will read the first paragraph and then add another paragraph to the story and send it back, also sending another copy to me. The first person will then add a third paragraph, and so on back-and-forth. Remember to re-read what has been written each time in order to keep the story coherent. There is to be absolutely no talking outside of the e-mails and anything you wish to say must be written in the e-mail. The story is over when both agree a conclusion has been reached."

The following was actually turned in by two of his students, Rebecca and Gary.


(1st paragraph by Rebecca)

At first, Laurie couldn't decide which kind of tea she wanted. The chamomile, which used to be her favorite for lazy evenings at home, now reminded her too much of Carl, who once said, in happier times, that he liked chamomile. But she felt she must now, at all costs, keep her mind off Carl. His possessiveness was suffocating, and if she thought about him too much her asthma started acting up again. So chamomile was out of the question.

(2nd paragraph by Gary)

Meanwhile, Advance Sergeant Carl Harris, leader of the attack squadron now in orbit over Skylon 4, had more important things to think about than the neuroses of an air-headed asthmatic bimbo named Laurie with whom he had spent one sweaty night over a year ago. " A.S. Harris to Geostation 17," he said into his transgalactic communicator. "Polar orbit established. No sign of resistance so far..." But before he could sign off a bluish particle BEAM FLASHED out of nowhere and blasted a hole through his ship's cargo bay. The jolt from the direct hit sent him flying out of his seat and across the cockpit.

( Rebecca)

He bumped his head and died almost immediately, but not before he felt one last pang of regret for psychically brutalizing the one woman who had ever had feelings for him. Soon afterwards, Earth stopped its pointless hostilities towards the peaceful farmers of Skylon 4. "Congress Passes Law Permanently Abolishing War and Space Travel," Laurie read in her newspaper one morning. The news simultaneously excited her and bored her. She stared out the window, dreaming of her youth, when the days had passed unhurriedly and carefree, with no newspaper to read, no television to distract her from her sense of innocent wonder at all the beautiful things around her. "Why must one lose one's innocence to become a woman?" she wondered wistfully.

( Gary)

Little did she know, but she had less than 10 seconds to live. Thousands of miles above the city, the Anudrian mothership launched the first of its lithium fusion missiles. The dim-witted wimpy peaceniks who pushed the Unilateral Aerospace disarmament Treaty through the congress had left Earth a defenseless target for the hostile alien empires who were determined to destroy the human race. Within two hours after the passage of the treaty the Anudrian ships were on course for Earth, carrying enough firepower to pulverize the entire planet. With no one to stop them, they swiftly initiated their diabolical plan. The lithium fusion missile entered the atmosphere unimpeded. The President, in his top-secret mobile marine headquarters on the ocean floor off the coast of Guam, felt the inconceivably massive explosion, which vaporized poor, stupid Laurie.

( Rebecca)

This is absurd. I refuse to continue this mockery of literature. My writing partner is a violent, chauvinistic semi-literate adolescent.

Yeah? Well, my writing partner is a self-centered tedious neurotic who's attempts at writing are the literary equivalent of Valium. "Oh, shall I have chamomile tea? Or shall I have some other sort of F**KING TEA???! Oh no, WHAT AM I to do? I'm such an air headed bimbo who reads too many Danielle Steele novels!"

( Rebecca)




( Rebecca)



Go drink some tea - whore.


A+ . . . I really liked this one.

Friday, July 14, 2006



i didn't do the word of the day yesterday!!!! how come no one told me!!!!!

the official count to yesterday's post is 21.


acculturation: Alteration of one culture traceable to interaction with another. Acculturation describes the process of cultural influences as well as the means by which the culture of a particular culture is instilled in a human being.

While there are often severe adjustment problems among senior citizens who immigrate to this country, acculturation among younger children occurs remarkably.

now for today's post. it's time for that famous story.....there is this manager guy at work story. so , there is this manager guy at work and i don't like him. i even think i might really dislike him. his demands are not unreasonable except for the fact that they are demands. he doesn't ask nice or polietly, doesn't even highly's do it or else. and you can't fail. if you don't do it 100% perfect to his standards which is near damn impossible to do then you fail and get a lecture. but if that's not reason enough to why i don't like him wait till u get a load of this. i can stand asshole demanding bosses i can't stand it when they try to strike up a conversation with me. especially mr. vo. which is his name by the way. everytime he tries to stike up a conversation he does it by saying something negitively about someone else. okay example:

1. mr. vo: "so when u see mr. miller tonight u can tell him i completed his job for him and that i did it faster than he would have. isn't that amazing."

2. mr. vo: " if someone is going to call up and ask it we are hiring they need to not sound like they are on crack!"

3. mr. vo: "so you were talking to cecily."
di :"yes, just asking if she could try and send a certain customer my way. she has make-up."
mr. vo: "well if i were you i would stay in your section because cecily is not smart enough to casually send a customer your way."
di: "why"
mr.vo "well i didn't want to hire her, but mr. o'neil said that we might be able to help her with her stuttering, i am having her use the intercom as little as possible. our customers don't need to hear that."

4. mr. vo "so r u going back to the stock room getting items from you bay"
di: "yes"
mr vo:' "well could you go to the office and do something for me"
di: "okay" .....
...............5 min. later........
mr. vo: "what r udoing"
di: "i am coming back from the stockroom getting some item 's from my bay"
mr. vo: "well u need to go back to your section. oh, did u get those papers from the office for me?"
di: (in an angry voice "YES!!"

this man doesn't make any logical since to me!!!! and he has lowered my hours...but oh well on to today's word of the day!!!!


acquiscence: The act of passive agreement or assent without objection. Acquisence is the act of assenting or complying with another's demands. Someone who submits to another's will is acquiescent.

Han, enchanted by first-time grandfatherhood, gave over to complete acquiescence on his first day with little Laura.


it's no secret that i am broke. infact i think every single one of us is in one way or another. but i was so poor that i starved myself to death. and even worse i didn't loose any weight. but that's not what i am here to post about today we shall discuss what happens when poor person recieves big paycheck. yeah so i, diana, (aka poor person) recieved big paycheck. how do we convince our selves not to spend it. i went to the grocery store planning to spend 30 dollars. and only had 50 dollars on me. but my groceries added up to be 62 dollars and something that i don't remember cents. it was embarasing to have them void stuff. and i was doing good too. all that extra stuff i got i gave back quite easily. and glad that i only brought 50 dollars with me. but when i had to give back the cookies i had hit my last straw. those animal frosting cookies with sprinkles were on my list. but no, i had to give them back so i could have sandwhiches and hamburgers. oohh i was mad. so i started to go to the bank to get money so i could go back and get my damn cookies. i starved for 4 days i diserve some cookies!!!!! but kyle calls and says i can come up, so i drove up there instead. and i got pizza!!!! i decided pizza and boyfriend makes up for loss of cookies. speaking of boyfriends we decided to go in to a liquor store to try something new. they had a special on crown royal so we got some. and we both decided it was nasty. i like whisky. i like jack. but that crown was awful instead of getting me a buzz it gave me a headache on the first sip. i tried it straight and with pepsi. I KNOW!!!! where's the coke? but kyle has been a good boy and pepsi was cheaper than coke. but yes so after pizza and hanging out he had to go to homework. he had warned me before i got up there that he would have to abandon me to do homework. i told him that it's okay because the premier of project runway comes on tonight!!!! it was a 2 hour premier. anyway i missed the first 20 min of the first episode. at 8 was a preshow on how they picked there canadites. and at 9 was the actual show. but kyle is very good at distracting my so i missed most of the end of the preshow and the beginning of the real show. but luckily the replayed the episode right after they aired it. so i didn't have to get mad. not that i would. so he did homework and then we went to bed around 2. he had to go to school at 9. i left the next day and went to work. i did have a lovely time though. even though i only got to spend 3 waking hours with him....i at least got to see him. and can u believed he asked what i wanted for my anniversary. here's our conversation.
kyle: "so what do you want for your anniversary my sweet?"
diana: "my anniversary?"
kyle: "OUR, our anniversary."
diana: "i don't know baby, something from the heart. suprise me. surprise me like i am surprising you."
kyle:" okay, sweetie......what do you really want?"
diana: "can't you use your brain? can't you get creative?"
kyle: "i am walking into a trap there is no right answer. if i say yes and then use my brain and come up with something you don't like than i will loose. and if i say no to that question and try to please you by getting something you really want than i still loose"

my boyfriend is so weird. he is always coming up with new consperiecies. he sees them everywhere. i think it's because of his mother. but his mother has the talent of reading people's minds. he doesn't have that yet. although he can completely read my mind. it's scary. anyway i think i have rambled long enough. austa la vista BABY!!!!

Monday, July 10, 2006



i love you crystal!!!!

Ok this is about the difference between friends and best friends

Friend: never asks for anything to eat or drink
Best friend: Help themselves and are the reason why I have no food

Friend: calls your parents by Mr. and Mrs. and Grandpa, by Grandpa
Best friend: calls your parents dad and mom and Grandpa, GRAMPS!

Friend: would bail you out of jail
Best friend: would be sitting next to you saying "DAMN!!"

Friend: has never seen you cry
Best friend: Wont tell everyone else you cried...just laugh about it with you in privately when your not still down.

Friend: asks you to write down your number.
Best friend: have you on speed dial

Friend: borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back.
Best friend: Loses your shit and tells you, "My's a tissue."

Friend: only knows a few things about you
Best friend: could write a very embarrassing biography on your life story...

Friend: will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing
Best friend: Will kick the whole crowd that left you.

Friends: would knock on your front door
Best friends: walk right in and say "I'M HOME"

Friends: you have to tell them not to tell anyone
Best friends: They already know not to tell (unless ur diana who has a big mouth...did u know it was inherrited....or i believe it was.....but i usually know not to tell.....if that helps)

Friends: are only through high school
Best friends: They are for life

Friends: will be there to take your drink away from you when they think you've had enough
Best Friends: will look at you stumbling all over the place & say "Bitch drink the rest of that you know we don't waste"

Friend: would ignore this letter
Best friend: Will repost this shittttt


accure: To accumulate or grow. To accure can mean the act of something's increasing or accumlating by gradual means. Money held in a bank will accumulate (or accrue) interest.

She disputed the bank's figures on the interest her account had accrued.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


at worlds end is the next title for the third pirates of the carabian movie set to come out on memorial day!!!! they also broke records by doing 132 million on opening weekend. these r estimated figures, they will come out with the offical ones on monday. but i can't wait.

well it's been boring. i have been starving though. i am broke. i found $1.00 and went out and bought french bread. so i will eat that until monday night where tabz said she would feed me. it will be the first real meal i have had since last wed. and on tuesday my mom is going to fix me my favorite. rulaughtin. it's a german dish and it's the best thing ever. it even beats steak. and for the record it's the only thing that beats steak. ooh, steak cooked mr with a garden salad w/ extra ranch!!! oh dear i have got to go before i die of hunger.


accolade: a mark of acknowledgement or expression or praise. Originally, an accolade was the ceremonial bestowal of knighthood upon a person , with a sword tapped on each shoulder. That which confers praise or honor is an accolade.

The firm's president had hung on his office wall may plaques, citations, and accolades.

but for the record i still can't figure out what this word really means.....??? how about this..."diana should be accoladed for cleaning her room!!!"

Saturday, July 08, 2006


i haven't posted in awhile. mainly because i didn't feel like it. i have been sucked in to the book world. see i have this rule. #1 no school in summer. but i also have another rule. #2 don't read books for pleasure while your in school. if i did that i wouldn't ever get any homework done. so i thought you all should know what i have read.

SUMMARY: this book is the first in the harry potter series. here you discover the world of magic and learn about the boy who lived.
REVIEW: i love harry potter although this is not my favorite book in the series you have to start somewhere. (also every summer i re-read the series.)

SUMMARY: this is the second book in the series. here you discover the conections between harry and you know who.
REVIEW: better than the first....and far more entertaining

SUMMARY: this is the third book in the series. here you find out about death eaters and why sirus black is after harry.
REVIEW: worst in the series.....personal opinion.

SUMMARY: this is the fourth book in the series. mysterious things are happening at hogwarts and harry finds himself right in the middle of it AGAIN!!!!!
REVIEW: my favorite book in the series, great action......great ending


SUMMARY: this is the fifth book in the series. angry is he potter of the harry..... back is the lord of must who be named not
REVIEW: a bit long but a good book none the less

SUMMARY: this is the sixth book in the series. the whole world now believes harry and harry no knows his destiny
REVIEW: although much shorter than the previous two it is my second favorite in the series

STAR TREK STAR GAZER: THE GAUNTLET by: mickael jan friedman
SUMMARY: this is the first book in the stargazer series. this is about the first ship that jean luc picard was ever captin of
REVIEW: if ur a trekie fan and love to read u will be in heaven

SUMMARY: this is the second book in the series. in this they have to do a ritual in which most likely gnala (a crew member) will die
REVIEW: still good

SUMMARY: ironically THREE is the third book in the series. this one is about the asmund twins........ or triplets? they discover another look alike from a parrelel universe
REVIEW: my favorite so far in this series

SUMMARY: this is the fourth book in the series. here we learn about how guinan and jean luc meet for the first time.....or is it the second.......hmmmm......
REVIEW: this book was interesting and intriging if u watched the whole TNG series

SUMMARY: fifth book in series it is. book about trust it is.
REVIEW: okay where's the sixth book...i'm ready

SUMMARY: about a girl with telepathic powers. she is called a prime. for she can do telepathic things as well as telekenisis.
REVIEW: anne mccaffrey is one of my favorite authors. i hadn't read this series i did. i wasn't disappointed. and if u liked the dragon riders series you'll love this too.

SUMMARY: sequel to THE ROWAN. the rowan's third child is the strongest of her children....and because of her powers she gets into alot of trouble.
REVIEW: wow this was just as good as the first book. there are three more books in this series..... but i haven't read them yet. the library is trying to find them for me.

i still have two books in my possession one called "SO YOU WANT TO BE A WIZARD" by diane's a series.....and i have "WIZARD HUNTERS" by Martha wells. i decided to stop reading science fiction for a bit and move on to romance novels. or as kyle likes to call them porn with out pictures. but seriously just cause an author writes a sex scene(or 2) in a book doesn't make it porn. just like how underworld 2 wasn't a porno just because of one sex scene.

SWEET ACCORD by Felicia Mason
SUMMARY: sweet story no sex scenes.
REVIEW: very lead me on and all the did was kiss. this book was a christian romance novel. it involves a church story and everything.

SUMMARY: just like zorro only the setting is before we (the united states) fought the british for our independence and only one man is willing to stand up to the british but his wife is against his cause.......what is a man to do...?????
REVIEW: i loved this book.. fun exciting, romantic and intriguing. i do love my zorro based novels though.

SOME LIKE IT WICKED: by Deborah Raliegh
SUMMARY: set in london a girl of 28 goes to london to seek a husband. although she is not pretty the only thing she has to enitce a man in to marrage is her fortune. but no one in the ton will look at her so she strikes up a business deal with hellion and the rest is history.
REVIEW: my favorite romance novel yet and that is saying something.

SUMMARY: sequel to SOME LIKE IT WICKED. he tries to save this Ms. dawson from being murdered by kidnapping her but it turns out that she kidnapps his heart. now what does he do??
REVIEW: 2nd favortie romance novel. i think i fell in love with this author. two bad she has only written two books.

SUMMARY: widow takes a lover
REVIEW: honestly i got board with this book in the first chapter so i just skipped to the good parts.

okay so that's what i have red so far and i still have four more in my room to read and 7 more on hold at the library. i am going through about a book in 1 1/2 days. i have to sleep sometime. and the fourth of enjoyable as it was.....disrupted my readingness. although for the record i spent the whole day with kyle and his family. I KNOW. and the best part is that he didn't mind. now granted it was just his immediate family...but i really thought he wouldn't let me. and speaking of kyle which picture should i give him for our aniversery. please vote. my happiness depends on it.

this is picture one. a close up of our faces..... i know i am not smiling but i have decided that i never smile in pictures. infact out of all the pictures i took at the wedding i only found one that i was smilling in. and believe me i was trying to smile. p.s. i am not worried. kyle doesn't read my blog so he won't see his picture until our anniversery on july 24th.

this is picture 2. you can't see my face. i personally think that's a plus. and you see kyles cute face and us dancing. i am giving him five gifts. and this picture is just one of the five. but i am going to take it and print it and blow it up and frame it. so help me pick a picture. oh and read a book. i did. u can read some of the one's i read. i promise u'll like them. well for now peace and out. hopefully i won't take so long to post again.


accede: to give one's consent. to accede is to signal one's acceptance of something. To fromally accept a high's position is to accede. Therefore, someone who accepts a postition accedes to that office.

the college president eventually acceded to the demands of the student demonstrators.