Sunday, July 16, 2006


alright so if you all read the post before this (if u haven't go and read right quick) u know what a tandem story is. so i thought it would be cool if we did one bloggers style. here are the rules. all who wish to participate write "aye" as ur comment. first come first serve. i will write the first paragraph, the 1st person to comment will write the second paragraph and post both the previous paragraph and the one they wrote. once it is posted the next person who commented will write the next paragraph and post all previous paragraphs. this will continue until the last person has posted their paragraph. i will finish by writing the last paragraph. that way the complete story will be on my blog. please invite as many friends (aka bloggers) to get involved in this. i think it would be alot of fun. just make sure that if they wish to participate they comment so we will have a list of who is participating. lets have fun with this!!!!


"What do you mean the pandiminsional vortex inducer is missing?!?" shouted Leighla. "I leave to get us a spot of breakfast and you loose it?"
"I fought as hard as I could." Nichole said in defense.
"Who got it?"
Leighla stood there stunned. "Dabu, are you sure?"
"Yes," Nichole said through her tears. "I thought he was coming to protect it and next thing I know I am being attacked."
"It's okay," Leighla gave Nichole a hug. "He is quite strong, and your powers are no match for him. I didn't think he would betray us though." Leighla stood their trying to comfort Nichole. Nichole was her best friend and she didn't like that Nichole was upset. "Do you feel better?"
"Yes, but I would feel even better if we got the pandiminsional vortex inducer back."
"Agreed" Leighla confirmed. "Shall we rally the troops?"


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