Saturday, June 17, 2006


today i committed a felony. i lost control of my car, (okay i actually was looking at myself in the mirror putting on lipstick) when i jumped the curb and hit a mail box. dear lord!!!! i was already late for work but i didn't want to drive off. so i jumped out of the car and grabbed the pieces and walked up to the house. the old man was coming out of his garage right as i was coming up to his door. i told him that i didn't know what happened except for that i hit his mail box and that i am late for work. i also gave him my address so he could contact me if he needed anything. THE END!!!! although i would like to say for the record that....(sing partridge in a pair tree) now i've hit a tree, 3 non-moving curbs, 2 parked cars and a mail box on my street.

WORD OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

abrogate = To nullify or cancel. Abrogation is an official action used to formally and unilaterally conclude an agreement or deed. Something that has been repealed or abolished has been abrogated.

The United States abrogated the treaty after evidence appeared suggesting that the other nations had failed to honor the agreement.


At 11:49 PM, Blogger di hu said...

edmond and it was on my street. no one was hurt in this stunt....except for the mailbox of course.


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