Thursday, June 15, 2006


it's alive!!!!! it's alive. dear lord. i still haven't sanitized it though. couldn't find rubbing alcohol. will bleach ruin a phone? well in other news a significant dent has been made into this house. tabz bribed renee' with tickets to summer fest and poof..........motivation galore. long be the days when my sister didn't want to clean or rather go to the movies. also i put in a complaint at steak and shake about a month ago. crystal and i went out to eat there and we had this horrible waitress. so i filled out a coment card and i recieved a free burger and shake. so that is what i had for dinner. and for snack i had carrots with ranch. i even slept in until 3:00. so all in all it's been a good day...............
but i need help!!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone knows that my logic sometimes does not make any since so please help rationalize this. i saw a commerical for a 2007 toyota "something". now isn't it 2006. wtf!!!!!!! hello u stupid people that make millions and billions of dollars a year......... u are lying!!!! false advertisment!!! LET'S SUE!!!!!!! anyway i just don't get it. it's 2006 in the middle of june and why are they selling 2007 cars. when it's not 2007. dear lord my brain hurts just trying to think about it.

Word Of The Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

abrade = to wear or rub off; to wear down in spirit. To abrade is to erode or break down. Sandpaper abrades the surface of wood.

The campaign had hoped for a hard-hitting, informative television commercial, but the ad-widely perceived as a negitive and mean-spirited-served only to abrade voter support.


At 2:45 AM, Blogger di hu said...

huh? where are the christmas decorations at? and my house is cleaner, not clean. but whoever has christmas decorations up i will find them and shoot them!!!!


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