Sunday, June 11, 2006


why the f*** is everything broken. my computer over heats so that i can't spend more than 20 min at a time on line. my ethernet port is broken so that i have to hold it in place the whole time i am online. my car is broken so i can't leave edmond. can't see my parents, my boyfriend, or crystal. and no one can really talk to me since my cellphone is finding it difficult to keep a charge. and when ever i want to talk to somebody i am stuck to the wall like a land line while holding my antena to keep me from going into roaming. my portable cd player fell out of my car so i am now stuck listening to my audio books only at home. and for some strange reason none of the rooms except mine, my sisters and the bathrooms have light. we ran out of light bulbs, our front porch, back porch, living room, dinning room, kitchen, and laundry area 's light bulbs all seem to be dead. how this all happened in 3 days i do not know. renee' believes, and i concure, it must be the full moon. and it was a bit red last night now that i think about it. work has dirasticly lowered my hours. i consider this broken because i will be broke if this continues. which also doesn't help my current situation. oh any way i guess i better try and go and fix things......


At 11:40 PM, Blogger Tabz said...

get some duct tape and some super glue if you cant fix stuff with that then its truly broken

At 11:14 AM, Blogger FlutinKat said...

I can help find a fan to install in your computer that'll make it run faster if you want me to. ^_^ They ranged about 20-40 bucks when I got mine. I've got a processor that's infamous for overheating, but I also have four fans in my comp, which is 4X the loudness, but it also means I can leave my computer running nonstop and not have to worry. Oh yeah, and you can hook an Ipod up to your tape deck if you buy one of those cheap CD-player-to-car-converters at walmart, the ten dollar kind.

That's all I can help with.


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