Saturday, May 20, 2006


even though i have tons of stories to write i haven't been in the mood. kyle says that my moods have a huge impact on my personality. when i told him i wasn't in the mood to write a post he said that it's no different from not being in the mood for sex. so i asked him how he gets me in the mood when i am not. he said that if he told me he would have to kill me and that i am too cute to be a casualty a war. i eventually got it out of him though. he said it's music. he has certain types of music he plays to get me in moods. which makes since now!!! clasic rock music for putting me in a good mood. like queen and areosmith!!!! country music for cuddely-time. clasical music for quite time. rap music for....yeah. and r&b or hip-hop for a playfulness side of me. so i put on some clasic rock and boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am ready to write so their will be a burst of posts. but i hope u enjoy them all!!!!


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