Wednesday, May 10, 2006


..............................OKAY THIS IS GOING TO GET REALLY CONFUSING SO U MIGHT HAVE TO READ IT 3 TIMES....................................

okay so my family and i have touble with cars. which is kina funny since my dad is our mechanic. he can fix almost anything, because he worked on a farm. my dad fixed most of the things on the farm. but i don't think that is the point. so i will explain to u the car predicament up to today. which is partially why i am writing this blog. okay so once upon a time when diana turned 16. there were 3 cars. a car mom drove called THE COUGAR, and two trucks that dad had. THE RED TRUCK he drove to work on a daily basis and tried not to use it unless we needed too. see the red truck was born in 1979. my dad tried to repair it and even tried to give it a paint job. but the truck was breaking down far too quickly to be brought up to modern standards and the paint job just left the truck with a skin disease that had a red background and pink sploches. THE BLUE TRUCK he worked on diligently. or when ever he wasn't working in our vegitable garden. or on the house. or running errands for my mom. or working overtime on weekends. THE BLUE TRUCK was my grandfathers. it was the last thing he gave too my dad before he died. dad refuses to part with it. but my grandfather, although a genius, somehow proved that duck tape can hold a truck together. but my dad decided that it was time to rebuild it. i turned 16 and drove my dads truck. but my family and i quickly decided that i needed my own car. with my dad working days. my mom working nights. and i working afternoons. the whole 2 automobile thing wasn't working and my dad predicted that it would take awhile to get THE BLUE TRUCK running. so i bought a car for $600 called THE DODGE. it worked great until i crashed it. THE DODGE was beyond repair. so i bought a new car from rachel called THE HONDA. but i then ruined it (didn't crash it for the record, it just died) in my freshman year in college. so my parents gave me a car. with the stipulation that i graduate college. this car was called THE OLDSMOBILE. but my dad had a problem. althought i had the OLDSMOBILE up with me in edmond. he sill had THE BLUE TRUCK, THE RED TRUCK, THE COUGAR, THE DODGE, AND THE HONDA. too many cars for one drive way. but my sister turned 16. so my dad tried to repair the dodge, but it was just too damaged. my dad found an old mechanic that wanted to by THE HONDA for very cheep, so my dad sold it. my cousin kacy gave us her old car for my sister to use called THE TOYOTA. (AKA THE PIECE OF CRAP THAT SHOULDN'T BE DRIVING IN THE FIRST PLACE). she paid to fix it up and the car was hers. then a crisis. my moms car died as well. my mom had to have her own car so my aunt maryann gave my parents her old car. she had just bought 2 new cars one for her and one for her husband. they each still had their old vehicles. this car is sadly called THE OLDSMOBILE. so now u might get kon-fused but i will try to fix it. for the point of my story i will say my car is the white oldsmobile. but my aunt's car is a white oldsmobile. so i will call mine the achieva. but wait hers is an achieva too. okay my car is THE OLDSMOBILE. and hers is THE OLDSMOBILE the 2ND. okay now a full recap. my dad has 2 truck THE RED TRUCK and THE BLUE TRUCK. i have 2 cars THE DODGE and THE OLDSMOBILE. my mom has 2 cars THE COUGAR, an THE OLDSMOBILE the 2ND and renee' has THE PIECE OF CRAP THAT SHOULDN'T BE DRIVING IN THE FIRST PLACE. this means that my dads house looked like this...............................

of course that is what the house looked like when i visited.

but then stuff hapened. heather became 16. and she needed a car. so she paid and fixed up THE COUGAR. and THE RED TRUCK died. but now my dad needed a car. so my aunt gave him another car. THE PURPLE TRUCK. so the house looks like this on holidays.

it looks like a billion people at our house. but today my car is dead. but hopefully daddy can fix it. if not this is what i predict.

so this is my family's car problems. and now my problem. lets hope i don't have to get a new used car.


At 5:20 PM, Blogger Tabz said...

hehehehe yall need to get rid of the crap cars and spend the little bit extra to get reiable used cars.


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