Sunday, May 21, 2006


i didn't leave until 5:30. rachel, crystal, fotini, and kyle (but not my kyle) had fun. we hung out on the balcony and played dominoes. anyways so i decided to leave. and the story begins.

it was cool morning as i shivered to my car. i should have brought a jacket, diana thought to herself. although she looked stunningly in her bright blue speggetti strap, she still fumbeled in her backseat for a sweater. pants, socks, and "oh, that's where that bra went" diana observes out loud. but alas no long sleeved-shirt or sweater. so she climbs back into the drivers seat and starts the car. the airconditionar blasts into her face. she shakes violently while trying to change it to the heater mode. she succeeds and bursts out a sigh of relief. because it's 5:30 in the morning no good music is on. so she starts driving while humming a tune. she drives, and drives, then suddenly her car sound funny. she looks down at the spedametor. everything was was going crazy, before she had a chance to slow down the unbelievable happened. her car died. in the middle of now where, without her cell phone. she paniced. locked doors and began to cry. "this is why I had a cellphone" she thought angerly. but her sister had it. she breathed and tried her car. it started. "whoooh!!!" she shouts. she starts driving, but when she got over 5 miles an hour it died. "NOOOOO!" she takes a deep breathe. starts her car. it started. she decided to not go over 5 miles an hour and try to get to a gas station. 40 painfully minutes of driving 5 miles an hour she reaches a gas station. she runs in the gas station in tears and asks the guy if she could borrow a phone. he pointed her towards the phone. "but i have no money"diana cries even harder. then a nice man then opened up the cash drawer and handed her 50 cents. she ran outside but didn't know who to call. she only new her phone number. so she tried it. and to her relief her sister answers. after the phone conversation she runs inside. she was quite cold. the nice gas man offered her a free cup of coffee. and she took it, guiltily. then she suddenly remembered that although renee' had her cell phone, she had her wallet. she ran to the man and handed him a 10 dollars bill to pay for the coffee and the phone call. the man just smilled. "no, don't worry about it." he said. "just get home." and with that her sister pulls up and she runs out of the shop shouting "thanks".


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