i haven't posted in awhile. mainly because i didn't feel like it. i have been sucked in to the book world. see i have this rule. #1 no school in summer. but i also have another rule. #2 don't read books for pleasure while your in school. if i did that i wouldn't ever get any homework done. so i thought you all should know what i have read.

SUMMARY: this book is the first in the harry potter series. here you discover the world of magic and learn about the boy who lived.
REVIEW: i love harry potter although this is not my favorite book in the series you have to start somewhere. (also every summer i re-read the series.)

SUMMARY: this is the second book in the series. here you discover the conections between harry and you know who.
REVIEW: better than the first....and far more entertaining

SUMMARY: this is the third book in the series. here you find out about death eaters and why sirus black is after harry.
REVIEW: worst in the series.....personal opinion.

SUMMARY: this is the fourth book in the series. mysterious things are happening at hogwarts and harry finds himself right in the middle of it AGAIN!!!!!
REVIEW: my favorite book in the series, great action......great ending

SUMMARY: this is the fifth book in the series. angry is he potter of the harry..... back is the lord of must who be named not
REVIEW: a bit long but a good book none the less

SUMMARY: this is the sixth book in the series. the whole world now believes harry and harry no knows his destiny
REVIEW: although much shorter than the previous two it is my second favorite in the series

STAR TREK STAR GAZER: THE GAUNTLET by: mickael jan friedman
SUMMARY: this is the first book in the stargazer series. this is about the first ship that jean luc picard was ever captin of
REVIEW: if ur a trekie fan and love to read u will be in heaven

SUMMARY: this is the second book in the series. in this they have to do a ritual in which most likely gnala (a crew member) will die
REVIEW: still good

SUMMARY: ironically THREE is the third book in the series. this one is about the asmund twins........ or triplets? they discover another look alike from a parrelel universe
REVIEW: my favorite so far in this series

SUMMARY: this is the fourth book in the series. here we learn about how guinan and jean luc meet for the first time.....or is it the second.......hmmmm......
REVIEW: this book was interesting and intriging if u watched the whole TNG series

SUMMARY: fifth book in series it is. book about trust it is.
REVIEW: okay where's the sixth book...i'm ready

SUMMARY: about a girl with telepathic powers. she is called a prime. for she can do telepathic things as well as telekenisis.
REVIEW: anne mccaffrey is one of my favorite authors. i hadn't read this series yet...so i did. i wasn't disappointed. and if u liked the dragon riders series you'll love this too.

SUMMARY: sequel to THE ROWAN. the rowan's third child is the strongest of her children....and because of her powers she gets into alot of trouble.
REVIEW: wow this was just as good as the first book. there are three more books in this series..... but i haven't read them yet. the library is trying to find them for me.
i still have two books in my possession one called "SO YOU WANT TO BE A WIZARD" by diane duane...it's a series.....and i have "WIZARD HUNTERS" by Martha wells. i decided to stop reading science fiction for a bit and move on to romance novels. or as kyle likes to call them porn with out pictures. but seriously just cause an author writes a sex scene(or 2) in a book doesn't make it porn. just like how underworld 2 wasn't a porno just because of one sex scene.

SWEET ACCORD by Felicia Mason
SUMMARY: sweet story no sex scenes.
REVIEW: very disapppointed....it lead me on and all the did was kiss. this book was a christian romance novel. it involves a church story and everything.

SUMMARY: just like zorro only the setting is before we (the united states) fought the british for our independence and only one man is willing to stand up to the british but his wife is against his cause.......what is a man to do...?????
REVIEW: i loved this book.. fun exciting, romantic and intriguing. i do love my zorro based novels though.

SUMMARY: set in london a girl of 28 goes to london to seek a husband. although she is not pretty the only thing she has to enitce a man in to marrage is her fortune. but no one in the ton will look at her so she strikes up a business deal with hellion and the rest is history.
REVIEW: my favorite romance novel yet and that is saying something.

SUMMARY: sequel to SOME LIKE IT WICKED. he tries to save this Ms. dawson from being murdered by kidnapping her but it turns out that she kidnapps his heart. now what does he do??
REVIEW: 2nd favortie romance novel. i think i fell in love with this author. two bad she has only written two books.

SUMMARY: widow takes a lover
REVIEW: honestly i got board with this book in the first chapter so i just skipped to the good parts.
okay so that's what i have red so far and i still have four more in my room to read and 7 more on hold at the library. i am going through about a book in 1 1/2 days. i have to sleep sometime. and the fourth of july....as enjoyable as it was.....disrupted my readingness. although for the record i spent the whole day with kyle and his family. I KNOW. and the best part is that he didn't mind. now granted it was just his immediate family...but i really thought he wouldn't let me. and speaking of kyle which picture should i give him for our aniversery. please vote. my happiness depends on it.

this is picture one. a close up of our faces..... i know i am not smiling but i have decided that i never smile in pictures. infact out of all the pictures i took at the wedding i only found one that i was smilling in. and believe me i was trying to smile. p.s. i am not worried. kyle doesn't read my blog so he won't see his picture until our anniversery on july 24th.

this is picture 2. you can't see my face. i personally think that's a plus. and you see kyles cute face and us dancing. i am giving him five gifts. and this picture is just one of the five. but i am going to take it and print it and blow it up and frame it. so help me pick a picture. oh and read a book. i did. u can read some of the one's i read. i promise u'll like them. well for now peace and out. hopefully i won't take so long to post again.
accede: to give one's consent. to accede is to signal one's acceptance of something. To fromally accept a high's position is to accede. Therefore, someone who accepts a postition accedes to that office.
the college president eventually acceded to the demands of the student demonstrators.
Picture 1...and I totally know about those rules, yes indeed.
I vote for number one.
Also you need to finish the Talent series before the summer is over. If you need to know what the next book is let me know, cause you kind of started in the middle. But its ok cause the first 3 where written as prequels even though reading them first doesn’t change the stories of the later books in any way.
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