Monday, July 31, 2006


thanks to my cool surfing habits i found a site that lets me put videos on my website. how cool is that. so every monday u will get a song. **BEWARE** i have eclectic music tastes. so u probably won't like what i choose. but enjoy the song. it will automatcially play everytime u pull up the page. just stop the song if you wish not to listen to it. when there is a song of the week there will not be a word of the day. so without further adu....


At 12:07 AM, Blogger Tabz said...

why cant we have both but like weekly you dont have to do daily words

At 1:36 AM, Blogger di hu said...

r u saying that u just want word of the week and song of the week?

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

I never knew Smashmouth covered why can't we be friends! That's a good song. I've got to say I still like the original better though.

At 11:35 PM, Blogger Tabz said...

ya something like that the word thing is amussing excspecialy when you make your own sentences to go with them


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