Wednesday, July 26, 2006


alright so i was reading fotinni's comments. now that she is back from greece i have people to read my blogs. (comment people, and thank you to those who comment).anyway she wrote "sorry i called u on your anniversary". now if u go to my perfect days post..... that is when we celebrated our anniversary. but i had every intention to celebrate it on monday as well. with annoying phone calls to kyle and a beautiful and moving blog. needless to say this didn't work since i just realized it's the 26th. i missed my own anniversary. instead i posted some stupid blog about a barbaque (no offense rachel) so why did diana miss her own freakin anniversary when it's probably only her that cares about such a thing. well, we already kinda celebrated it, so it felt like closure. next monday night sucked ass. that is if ass is suckable. it was awful and awful and i wish i could tell u. lets see......imagine awhole bunch of soaps. like a whole wall/isle of soaps. got that in your head. GOOD!! now imagine a whole wall of razors. razors, shaving creams, cartriges, the works. now try and imagine diana switching the locations of these two walls. soaps where the razors go and razors go where the soaps are. it was a disaster. awful. and i had a headache. and after that i wanted to get drunk but diana is stupid (or smart however u wish to look at it) and has a dry house. so she couldn't go to the liqour store and she didn't want any beer. so i stayed up and watched movies. if i had know that was my anniversary....well lets not discuss it. i completely forgot about it. because i had already celebrated it. so for the record


congratulations to diana and kyle for reaching 5 years. and may every couple strive to do the same. these years have been absolutly amazing...but the most amazing part is what's to come.


i spent an incredible evening catching up with crystal. and tomorrow i get a massage. and thursday i get to see kyle so, life is good. or better i should say. tata for now!!!!!!!!!!!


addendum: Something additional; an item to be added on. An addendum is someting that is added (for instance, a supplement to a book),.

Before we adjourn, please let me add the following brief addendum to the record.


At 7:59 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

I'm sorry :( I didn't know what the official day was.

At 12:52 AM, Blogger di hu said...

it's not ur fault...... it's mine. don't feel bad


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