Saturday, July 22, 2006


secrets. what is a secret. according to this it states:

se·cret ( P ) Pronunciation Key (skrt)adj.

1. Kept hidden from knowledge or view; concealed.
2. Dependably discreet.
3. Operating in a hidden or confidential manner: a secret agent.
4. Not expressed; inward: their secret thoughts.
5. Not frequented; secluded: wandered about the secret byways of Paris.
6. Known or shared only by the initiated: secret rites.
7. Beyond ordinary understanding; mysterious.
8. Containing information, the unauthorized disclosure of which poses a grave threat to national security.


1. Something kept hidden from others or known only to oneself or to a few.
2. Something that remains beyond understanding or explanation; a mystery.
3. A method or formula on which success is based: The secret of this dish is in the sauce.
4. Secret A variable prayer said after the Offertory and before the Preface in the Mass.


Middle English, from Old French, from Latin scrtus, from past participle of scernere, to set aside : s-, apart; see s(w)e- in Indo-European Roots + cernere, to separate; see krei- in Indo-European Roots.]


secret·ly adv.

Synonyms: secret, stealthy, covert, clandestine, furtive, surreptitious, underhandThese adjectives mean deliberately hidden from view or knowledge. Secret is the most general: a desk with a secret compartment; secret negotiations. Stealthy suggests quiet, cautious deceptiveness intended to escape notice: heard stealthy footsteps on the stairs. Covert describes something that is concealed or disguised: protested covert actions undertaken by the CIA. Clandestine implies stealth and secrecy for the concealment of an often illegal or improper purpose: clandestine intelligence operations. Furtive suggests the slyness, shiftiness, and evasiveness of a thief: a menacing and furtive look to his eye. Something surreptitious is stealthy, furtive, and often unseemly or unethical: the surreptitious mobilization of troops preparing for a sneak attack. Underhand implies unfairness, deceit, or slyness as well as secrecy: achieved success by underhand methods.

so basically what this all means is that secrets are complicated. secrets exsist to drive our lives. without secrets a social life wouldn't exsist. hell, friendships wouldn't exsist. but the problem with secrets is although they serve an important role...building trust and friendship where is that fine line between shared knowledge and gossip. when do you know when to keep the secret and when to tell. would u die to keep a secret.....and why would u keep something a secret in the first place. i write about this because of all the things i have heard about recently and a movie i saw called little secret. LITTLE SECRET and it made me think about alot of things. we are all playing the same game and all looking for some sort of redemption. but we can't find a way to free ourselves. either way we will be judged and looked upon and sometimes we feel it is better if no one knows. then we get so caught up in pretending when what we are seeking is the truth. then we think maybe it's better if no one knows. because what they don't know can't hurt them. but the truth is it doesn't hurt the people you are keeping the secret from. it hurts you.....the secret keeper. so what are we looking for...freedom, privacy, to be unjudged yet still loved. why do we not tell people where we were last night, or the truth of why you weren't invited. when do we tell people what we really think instead of backing down. (and u would totally think i would have mastered that one but yet my greatest nemisis is still out there and i have not yet conquered). you aint't got to walk alone....secrets hurt. you can't keep secrets about your self and live a true life. although i was inspired by this movie to write a ranting.....i didn't think it was fair to write a whole blog about secrets and not spill one of my own. that would be hipacritical.....or at least i think it would. it goes.

i was 15 and just finished my freshman year in highschool. it was an awful year and i was coming out of a depressional period. i was trying to find who i was as i die....and over this summer i did. i went on a church mission a town called miami. (i know tabz....but u down't know this story i promise.) i was 15 years old almost 16. but with glasses and braces i looked 12. anyway at this event they put u into what is called a god squad. one or two people from each church was in each squad so we could meet new people. i was stuck with jason. he was 12 and new to youth group. anyway while our squad was getting to know each other jason(i think that's his name but for tabz it was patty's son...u know the one that turned into a huge flirt) started hitting on me and putting his arm around his waste. well of course i was repulsed. what would a sophmore like me be doing dating a 6th grader. everyone started making fun of after 2 days of this torture i came up with a half truth half lie. i told them that i a 16 yearold would never be intrested in a boy like him, but he goes to my church and i was just trying to be nice. which was all true except for the whole 16 part. but i was only 3 months away. i was practically 16. anyway latter that day we were telling each other our birthdays and i told them mine was in september. big mistake. because that meant i was 16 fixing to turn 17. so instead of being practically 16 i told them i was practically 17. they didn't believe me at first. and our god squad leader was danny an adult who goes to church with me and has practically known me for ever. i thought they would ask him and find out the truth. anyway all the boys went crazy about my age...and i guess it helped that i looked so inocent. but guys would not stop hitting on me and flirting with. i had never had so much fun with guys. but i hated the fact that i lied. and i was in fear that they were going to find out. which would be a disaster because the treated me like shit before they knew my "age". i also hated that i didn't bother to correct it. at the end of the ordeal they (my group) told me that they couldn't wait to see me next year...and we exchanged info. e-mail addresses etc. but i felt so guilty that i didn't call or contact anyone. and when i got home i had wished that i could take it all back. i keep it a secret because it was a regret. and i live my life with no regrets. and if everyone who knows how i preach about no regrets how would they act if they knew i had a regret. one in which if i could go back intime and change. in fact this was the last regret i ever had and i wish i could have been more i am today. i don't hide much from people. i tell them whats on my mind...i even admitted i had a bladder problem on this blog. i guess the point is we all have secrets and we all need someone to tell them too. don't let the secrets control you....and if you think someone is going to get hurt because of the secret ur keeping and that's why ur not saying anything it probably means it needs to come out.
p.s. this secret was true and real and all though there are probably more jucier ones this is the one i am most afshamed of. well except for that one time in highschool where kyle and i took provocative pictures of each other and his mom found the pictures. that was embarassing!!!!!

i know that earlier i had said i was going to talk about how my house cleaning went....but obviously since i watched this movie and then blogged about's safe to assume that's it's as clean as ever. so now..............................

WORD OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

acute: Sharp, shrewd, or severe. Acute can refer to something that is severe or sharp (for instance, an acute pain). It can also means "markded by keen discernment or intellectual perception."

After she fell of the horse, Doris (hehe) felt an acutepain in her (or his) side.


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