Monday, July 17, 2006


so i woke up went to work. had a rotten time. more rotten than usual. got off work went out with my sister.

trip to bank- withdrawl of $15
trip to remmington park-lost $6
trip to on the border-spent $25
used gas-$20
need new shoes because i stepped in gum-$5
stopped at johnny carinos to see crystal and buy a drink- $6
went to go see a movie at a theater that doesn't take credit cards- priceless


acrimonious- Mean-spirited, bitter, or ill-natured. Acrimonious refers to language or exchanges that are filled with animosity. Something characterized by sharpness or bitterness of speech is acrimonious.

Divorce is, we must remember, an expensive emotionally devastating, and acrimonious affair.

di's version- Tonight the adventure was so acrimonious that it convinced me that i should stay locked up in the house and never leave. That way acrimonious adventures won't happen and my moods won't be acrimoniouly affected by my acrimonious adventures such as the acrimoniousation that happened tonight!!!


At 10:12 PM, Blogger di hu said...

what r u talking about?

At 10:50 AM, Blogger di hu said...

well there goes my cover. u r correct the carinos part wasn't there. so i added it and deleted ur comment so noone would know i messed up. then as a joke i commented what r u talking about. it was all meant as fun. sorry if it offended u.


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