so this is one of my favorite bands of all times. i thought i would bring them up because i didn't know what to talk about.....and i think that they are really cool. each of these ladies plays a musical instrument. they combine classical music with techno to create beautiful music with a modern twist. plus it totally helps that these women are drop dead gorgous. i was introduced to them in my freshman year in college. and although i have only heard their entire cd called BORN. i have heard parts of their other peices. i can't wait to own all their albums. but for now i will listen to them on my station. oh, and here is a picture of them with bruce willis .

WORD OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
acumen: Keenness of judgement. Acumen referss to an ability to make quick, accurate decisions and evaluations. It is characterized by rapid discernment and insight.
After only two years as a restaurant owner, Clyde developed a remarkable business acumen; in a supposedly "bad location," he had little trouble coming up with promotions that attracted customers.
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