Monday, August 28, 2006


mondays. what is it about mondays. mondays are bad days, for some strange reason. oh, your late to work, it must be a monday. trafic heavier than usual, must be a monday. forgot you textbook and homework for one of your class, well, it must be a monday. monday's are sleepy and groggy. boring, and stupid. but i guess the week has to start somewhere, and it starts with monday. now, despite it being a monday and all, i have good news. i am going computer shopping. so i hope i can get a new/used computer today. i am really just looking today, but if i find the right one, ya never know. also i get to talk to my boss today. we are having real issues at work. nothing that i can't fix, except for firing a certain person. i hated being a manager, but at least i could get rid of the assholes. now i can't even do that. oh, well. oh, a shout out to katherine for inviting me to party this weekend sorry i couldn't come. i gave my dad $175 to fix my car and it's still broken. ah!!!!!!! man. but oh well. so i need more time to sleep and to do homework. did anyone else wake up this morning and go "holy shit, it's monday!" i did. i work to much, sleep too little, and procrastinate like silly. but my goal is no more over nighters as far as homework is concerned. dont ya know this could all be fixed. if i only had time. (pardon the pun)

enya only time


At 3:25 PM, Blogger FlutinKat said...

"Must be a case of the Mondays!"

At 3:25 PM, Blogger FlutinKat said...

By the way, that's a really pretty video.


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