Friday, August 18, 2006


okay so today i leave stillwater. i spent a glorious 4 nights and 3 days with my boyfriend. this is good since i probably won't see him for awhile. damn school!! and damn my car!!! also i won't blog again until monday, cause of the whole i don't have a computer thing. but i will. i am looking for a new one. well that's all for now.


adulterate: To make impure or tainted. To adulterate is to reduce the quality of something-for instance, by substituting inferior ingredients. An unadulterated product is one that retains its original high quality and has not been tampered with in any way.

At the turn of the century, the sale of adulterated dairy products in the U.S. caused a major scandal.

Diana's blog is 100% unadulterated, from her writing to her words of the day!!!

Also this is a shout out to Richard who caught a mistake on the word of the day!! it has been corrected, and i wanted to thank him properly. So if you click here , you will recieve ur gift of thanks!!!


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