Tuesday, August 08, 2006


okay so i haven't blogged in awhile and i am terribly sorry. i didn't even do the song of the week yesterday. but here is a very long story for ya and i hope u laugh and cry as much as i did. if i had been able to blog this is what i would have posted in chronlogical (or hoever u spell the word) order.

Sunday 12:35 am - my computer just died and i didn't even get a chance to blog!!

Sunday 4:30 am - still awake and tired maybe i will sleep now

Sunday 8:00 am - alarm goes off and diana resets it for 30 min. later

Sunday 8:30 am - alarm goes off and diana resets it for 30 min. later

Sunday 9:00 am - alarm goes off and diana resets it for 30 min. later

Sunday 9:20 am - renee' wakes up diana 10 min. before alarm was suppose to go up and is screaming
"we are going to be late why didn't u wake us up di?"

Sunday 9:30 am - we start to head off towards our cousin Kacy's house

Sunday 9:31 am- diana says "Shit, i don't have enough gas to go all the way out there"

Sunday 9:35 am - a quick stop at McDonalds for a much needed soday and breakfast (and incase u r wondering i had a dr. pepper with a sausage biscuit and hashbrown)

Sunday 9:40 am - while di is at gas station putting five dollars in (cause that's all she has) renee' calls kacy to say that we won't be there by 10:00

Sunday 9:45 am - renee' shouts "Shit, i forgot the bag pack, and cooler."
Diana shouts "I forgot my broken non- working computer."
renee' says "did u just use a double negative"
di says "yep.....did it work?"
renee' replies, "nope, don't do it again"

Sunday 9:50 am - back at house grabbing stuff we forgot

Sunday 9:55 am - while driving to Kacy's house she calls us and asks if we are close to a grocery store
kacy says "are you guys still in town, close to a grocery store?"
renee' says "yep"
and we go and pick up some items
Sunday 10:05 am - we leave grocery store and head out into the country
Sunday 10:35 am- arrive at cousins house and is informed i will be performing for our family reunion's talent show and i have to create something


in the first sunday in august every year we have a family reunion. this is not like your normal family reunion. we have ouver 100 people attend this one. it's quite scary. every one brings something to eat. it's a pot luck thing. and every year one part of the family holds it. my grandma was one of eight children. they started this meeting in augest so all of them could meet and see each other yearly without any complications. now they are all dead except for aunt leona. and we still do it. and i have a very bad feeling we still will be doing it. forever and ever and ever and ever. forever. forever ever? forever never!!! anyway they started doing this talent show and my aunt mary anne volunteered me to do some talent. (it's okay we still love her) and that explains the family reunion


Sunday 10:40 am - practice a dance routine with sisters

Sunday 12:00 pm - all get in car for a drive to minco to go to family reunion

Sunday 1:00 pm - get in line for food

Sunday 2:15 pm - humilitate one's self at talent show

Sunday 2:30 pm - say goodbye to parents "GOODBYE!!!" and get back in car with cousin Kacy and her husband.

Sunday 3:00 pm - make quick stop at lows because Kacy said so. she was driving i couldn't argue

Sunday 3:30 pm - arrive back at Kacy's house

Sunday 3:35 pm - Kacy and her husband semiar (but really her husband) made an asstounding donation to the diana is poor and can't buy books fund. ....thanks to there generosity diana can now buy books...

Sunday 3:40 pm - we decide to go to a dollar movie

Sunday 3:41 pm - Kacy asks if we could take her daughter with us so that her and her husband could get somethings done

Sunday 3:42 pm - diana doesn't want to and thinks about saying no

Sunday 3:42 pm and 30 seconds later - diana realizes that they helped her out and she needs to help them out

Sunday 3:43 pm - diana says "Yes!!"

Sunday 3:45 pm- diana, renee' and cousin Sarah start to drive towards the movie

Sunday 4:10 pm - diana, renee' and cousin Sarah stand in line for tickets

Sunday 4:12 pm - diana, renee' and cousin Sarah get food and drinks

Sunday 4:15 pm- diana, renee' and cousin Sarah watch Over the Hedge ( i know i have already seen it but the other people i was with had not seen it) .....sacrifce one for the many!!!.....

Sunday 6:00 pm- diana, renee' and cousin Sarah go eat in Crystal's section at johnny carinos

Sunday 6:30 pm- diana decideds to spend the night at crystal's and gets her key from her.

Sunday 6:40 pm- diana renee' and cousin Sarah get in car to take Sarah home

Sunday 6:55 pm - diana's car stops working. diana try's to make it come on again but is unsuccessful. luckily they are only minutes away from Sarah's home

Sunday 7:00 pm - diana calls cousin Kacy for help

Sunday 7:05 pm - Sarah, who is 12, decideds she wants to walk home.

Sunday 7:05 pm and five seconds later - my mother some how posses my body and starts to scold and yell at her in ridikoulus tones

Sunday 7:05 and 30 seconds - Sarah yells back and says i am not her mother

....this continues for a long time so we are skipping it.....

Sunday 7:30 om - kacy and her husband come to rescue us.
we hace deduced that a fan has stopped working and so my car is not working right. we tried to get it started so we could drive it to their house instead of leaving it in the middle of no where.
i feel a song comming on****no where man please listen, you don't know what ur missin, no where man...the world is at your comand.....doesn't have a point of view, knows not where he's going to......isn't he a bit like u and me****

Sunday 8:00 pm - crystal calls and asks where i am and tells me that i have her only key. so i give her directions to come find me. of course she gets lost. but is eventually found and led into the correct direction (aka....me!!!)

Sunday 8:45 pm - i give her the key

Sunday 9:00 pm - we start my car and take it home

Sunday 9:15 pm - i take a shower

Sunday 9:30 pm - Sarah takes a shower so i have a beer.....kacy says i can drink just not infront of her daughter. and renee' can't drink cause she is not of age

Sunday 10:00 pm- has long conversation with kyle

Sunday 10:30 pm - Sarah goes to bed

Sunday 10:31 pm - diana has another beer

Sunday 11:00 pm- diana sleeps at kacy's house

so that was sunday and to make monday's very long story short.......renee's car wouldn't start either. i am carless!! carless i say!!!! i have walked everywhere i walked to school where i started the first half of the blog and now i am finishing it at the library. and since i have no computer i must get books......lot's and lot's of books.....and then i blog them all for you. but basically my bloging will be inconsistant for awhile. that includes the word of the day. since i dont' have my dictionary with me but i can create one for u beautiful people.


Shit- is cow poop or sometimes bad carma.

Can be used in phrases as......

"get out of my shit" or "dear lord what kinda shit did i get myself into" or my favorite saying and new modo "SHIT HAPPENS!!!"

well i hope this makes up for the days i haven't blogged or for the days i won't blog. it is said. let us have 3 moments of silence for all the things that have died.

let us remember the computer ....aproximate death Sunday August 6th 12:35 a.m.

let us have a moment of silence for my white oldsmobile achieva car aproximate death Sunday August 6th 6:55 pm
let us have a moment of silence for the black toyatoa. aproximate death sometime between August 5th and August 7th. true time of death not yet identified.

and last but not least the song of the week!!!!!!


At 3:11 PM, Blogger Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

Diana, that post was just brilliant, brilliant I say!

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

First of all, I love the song. It is the from the only country cd that I own. I am sorry about your losses. ;( Also, why did you skip over the fight w/kacy part, it sounded very entertaining. And Lastly, Over the Hedge is a brilliant movie that is definately worth seeing twice.

At 2:04 AM, Blogger di hu said...

i skipped over the kacy fight thing simply because it's family. and i believe that somethings should stay in the family.


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