Tuesday, August 15, 2006


tada!! posting to u live from kyle's private domains, where i diana humphrey, only knows it's exsistance. (do not correct my spelling i will kill u) i would like to say i have made several small changes to this blog.

1. my archives are by months now instead my weeks
2. anyone can know leave a comment
3. i have turned of that stupid annoying word verification thingy off
4. that's end of the list but i thought it would look more impresive if i had four things

also this is a post about past blogs. why do u say. because i have a friend at work, yep i am talking about u, and i told her to read my blog. and then she came back and told me i was crazy and i said fine then i will post about u. and so i am. so i have this friend at work, (and she is turning pink with embarassment) and we think alike we do (and she's thinking no we don't), and i told her i would post about her (and she's thinking girl ur crazy) and this is the part where i defend myself.

back by popular demand....

WORD OF THE DAY (i know we are in the A's but for this point we are in the C's for today only)
crazy: (as defined by www.dictionary.com)

Affected with madness; insane.
Informal. Departing from proportion or moderation, especially:
Possessed by enthusiasm or excitement: The crowd at the game went crazy.
Immoderately fond; infatuated: was crazy about boys.
Intensely involved or preoccupied: is crazy about cars and racing.
Foolish or impractical; senseless: a crazy scheme for making quick money. n. pl. cra·zies
One who is or appears insane: “To them she is not a brusque crazy, but ‘appropriately passionate’” (Mary McGrory).

People who think that Diana is Crazy are wrong. They are the crazy on'es. The End!!!

so there!!! now let's get caught up in the life of Ces't Moi!!!

so mydad called and said "there's nothing wrong with ur car" and two days later he called to say that i was right something is wrong with my car. it was like he was calling me a liar...but i didn't press the issue. i am going to be up here at kyle's for the next 3 days, for i do not work. i brought my two cat's with me....u know i need a camera so u all can see just how cute they are..... and they have adjusted well. i am still reading books like crazy, but while i am up here i have cable. ah cable....how i miss it so. with ur long marathons and ur old movies. with ur biography's about stars to the time line of women's underwear. i miss u my old friend. but it is 3:18 in the morning and kyle is sleeping all alone and i should get back to him. it is great seeing him after so long. he put's up with alot u know. but he also knows that i love to blog. so with that said i will do a real word of the day!!! lord knows u people have waited for ever for it. also just incase ur wondering i do get these words from a real book called "The Words You Should Know... 1200 essential words every educated person should be able to use and define" by David Olsen. the book also comes with it's own sentences but i have had requests to write my own sentences with each word so i will accomadate. as awful as my own sentences might be, i hope u enjoy them. now on to the word of the day...


adjure: To command solemnly as if under oath. To adjure is to command or enjoin solemnly, often under the threat of some sort of penalty.

The witnesses were adjured to avoid any contact with the accused.

Kyle was adjured that i would not tolorate anything less than a kiss when i finally saw him.


At 9:48 AM, Blogger Tabz said...

um i thought the definiton of crazy was me. where is my picture?


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