i normally am a full believer in the glass is half empty theory. but i believe that this week my glass has a whole in joke. let us recap shall we........
we are down two cars and a computer
all bad things come in three's no? u sneeze three times in a row. u can work three days in a row. a full moon is three days long. but i have officially changed the theory that all bad things come in three's times 2. why do you ask.....well......
diana was sleeping. she went to bed at 4:30 like she always does when she doesn't go to work in the morning. (p.s. reading books ROCK!!!) when she recieves a phone call.
di: "hello?"
voice: "hi, it's miss roberts."
di: "hi?"
Ms. Roberts: "so r u coming to work?"
di: "WHAT!!"
Ms. Roberts: "didn't u pick up a shift?"
di: "shit!"
and that's how my morning started. i ran put some clothes on told my sister i was taking the dodge...
***HOLD IT***
yes i know the dodge!!! but niether renee' or i have a working vehicle. so guess what happens when we don't have a working vehicle...we get another non-working vehicle. that way we are continuing the cycle of non-working cars in my family. remember i have posted about this before. to get a fresh reminder about di and her car problems please look here for more info
started driving and BAMM!! at a stop light i hit a non-moving car. (to refresh ur self on all the non-moving items di has hit please look here to refresh ur memory)
so the moral to my story is that only two bad things happened to me today and that a third one is coming. when it will attack i have no clue one thing is for sure that when ever it comes what ever it is i will totally 100% percent be not ready for it in any way.
also just incase we are keeping score:
good news
i got to get extra hours today
i got to hang out with crystal
i cooked crystal and i dinner
we went and did girl things at a make-up thing
and crystal and i won a prize
the end
no word of the day because i don't have my book so i will leave u with this word
SHIT!!! comes in handy when bad things happen. makes a di feel good when she says SHIT!!! over and over and over and over again!!!
I'm sorry sweetie. We'll have to come up with something good to even out the score.
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