Wednesday, August 16, 2006


oh yeah!! although kyle is not much of drinker, everytime i come up we go to the liquor store. we each get something. i usually get a new liquor i haven't tried, and he usually gets a new beer. he says that we are 21 and we should try everything. no joke. in his fridge....all though i finished off all the smironoff beer he has boulvard wheat 5, pyramid hefawiessan 5, 4 blue moon, 4 boston lagar, 4 amberbock, a bottle of champane conac, a huge bottle of crown royal, and a tiny litterally tiny bottle of captain (incase of emergancies) and a bottle of wine. we bought this little sample of turning leaf white zenfandel wine and i fell in love with it. so yesterday i got a bottle. only $6.87. while kyle was gone for a work meeting, and he was only gone for awhile i drank 3/4 of that bottle of wine in an hour. man i was very intoxicated. although kyle said it was fun to mess with my head, i do think he was slightly annoyed. but i couldn't help tastes too good. and i am about to polish of the rest of it while he is gone. he is at work. and man i know we are not married but i kick butt at this whole wife thing. see i brought my kittens up with me this time. i told him if he was going to kidnapp me for 3 days i was going to bring my kittens. but he refuses to let them in his bedroom, so they scratch at the door all night. i swear it's like we are married. cause i get up and calm them down and put them back to sleep. last night it was so bad i had to sleep on the couch with them. it was kinda cute with snickers on my chest and owen inbetween my legs. and the way kyle talks to the cats he treats them like they are toddlers. and while he is out working i am cleaning the house and folding the laundry, and i got all pretty looking for our date tonight. but seriously it's like we are married with children. (isn't that a t.v. show) anyway it's cute. and i am having a blast. i just wish kyle would let the cats in at night but he says that he has to work and can't be disturbed. whatever, i have taken care of the cats the last two nights it is his turn, one of them is named after him. but then he reminds me that they r my cat and i brought them up with me. thats when u say please and pout. it usually works. if not u go or the kill.....and for obvious reasons i am not going to tell u what the "kill" is ... and then he goes what ever u want babydoll. no joke, i totally have ways. i went shopping today and got 3 new tanks although kyle doesn't like them but i told him it could be worse i could be wearing halter tops. i love the man but his idea of clothes is like what a morman would wear (no offense) a long sleve non- reaveling shirt and a long skirt with no slit and covers the ankles. that's what he would like, but i refuse to wear something so out of date. also hanes' has come out with a new tank collection. i looked at it on there website, they r cool. oh and i got a phone call last night @ 11:30 p.m. from my cousin. my computer is history. so we (as in me) am looking for a new one. kyle wants me to get a desktop cause they r cheaper. and while speaking about computers all dell laptops got recalled yesterday. ( i love u crystal) anyway the wine is taking it's toll so i will go now, but not before the word of the day.


adroit: nimble, expert, or skillful in the use of one's hands or body; adept at acomplishing one's aim. A person who is deft or expert at a task, or who shows uncommon ingenuity or skill, is said to be adroit.

Matthew, an adroit swordsman, easily bested his opponent.

Diana drank that wine like an adroit alcoholic.


At 10:55 PM, Blogger Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

Hanes is making tanks now?!?!?! I've been wearing their underwear all my life, and all this time, I never realized they made heavy artillery too...white zinfendel is good, yes it is.

Also, I like how your word of the day started out as "adroit," but soon became "androit." I don't think humanoid robots are too fond of drinking, but I could be wrong.

At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey this fotini i can't remember my password and to lazy to find so i am anyomous for now. Yes u do sound like a maried couple arguing who going to pick up the baby once it start crying. and yes there is a tv show calle married with childern and u guys aren't like it yet. i am glad u are enjoying the "married life"


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