Wednesday, August 23, 2006


first order of business:


second order of business:

i saw alex today, and oh dear lord he has a beard. a real beard!!! i hardly didn't reconize him. i am still in debate on whether or not i like the beard. i am going to go with no, but the jury is still out. beards are to make u look older and distinguished. and alex is not that old. goatees make u look young and sexy. (remeber that fellows) and mustaches are just gross.

third order of business:

i bought a plant. i was walking by the biology club's table and noticed that they were selling plants. i stopped by and looked. i also asked the name of some plants, and he told me that one that i particularly liked was called a money tree plant. i totally did not know there was a real plant called a money tree. (u learn new things every day!!!) my mom always says, "I can't just go into the backyard and pick money off the money tree." but now she can. u want to know why? of course u do. i bought her a money tree. how i am going to get it to her i have no clue.

fourth order of business:

i saw amanda avery. although crystal has her in a class. i did totally see her too. she did something with her hair, and i think i really love it.

fifth order of business:

i need to send a check to my father so he can fix my car. (a personal reminder really)

sixith order of business:

i enrolled into another class today!!

seventh order of business:

i need to go pay for that class!!! it's expensive. i owe the school 500 dollars for that class and another. damn school!!! i want a new computer but no......the school wants my money.

eighth order of business:

i joined a club today called the UCO medieval society. i am totally stoked. i haven't been this excited about something in awhile. there first meeting is next wed. wish me luck.

nineth order of business:

today is Augest 23, 2006. my birthday is in one month. i am giving u one month notice, so no excuse for showing up. my birthday is called......
we will meet at remington park at 6:30. eat there awesome dinner buffet at 7:00. (but please be there at 6:30...i have to enroll u and sign u up and it will be a pain) also make sure u have ur id's present. i can not tell u how many times i have gone to this casino without my id. they will not let u in. then we will gamble a little. not much. i never gamble more than 30 min. and then see a movie at tinsel town which is right across the street. i do not know what movie we will be seeing. but it will be around 8:30/9:00. dinner costs around $12 dollars and the movies are $5.50. also i never gamble more than 10 buck and most of u probably won't either. but if u want to drink there is a bar at remmington so bring money for that too. but warning this is not a drinking party. and i will not tolerate extreme drunkiness. i will have a glass of something (or two) but i am 22 not act appropriatly. remember it's a saturday night.

tenth order of business:


aesthetic: Of or related to a sense of what is attractive or beautiful. Also: Related to sensation and feeling as contrasted with reason or logic. Aesthetics is the science that examines how people react to art and to beauty. Something that is aesthetically pleasing is in keeping with one's standards of scale, structure, clarity, and attractiveness.

It is not my place to comment on the aesthetics of the car; I am here to report on whether it won the race, which it did.

Sometimes on project runway the clothes they design are aesthetically not pleasing.


At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love u but and thanks for the last b-day wishes. but my b-day is on the 17 not the 18. and i do agree with your second point. fotini

At 11:36 PM, Blogger Tabz said...

di dont kill me!!! please dont kill me!!! i cant come
i have to work and i can almost promise you that there is now way short of blackmail to get someone to work for me that night srry :(

At 1:36 PM, Blogger di hu said...

i bet if u tell them in advance u can get it off. sometimes the night people can't work at our store so they ask a mangaer to help them out. it can happen....but i understand.


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