Saturday, September 02, 2006


yes so the parentials came today. and oy!!! but my living room, dinning room, and kitchen are now clean. and the lawn is mowed. and my parents are coming up tomorrow to us our laundry. but that wasn't the worst's story time.

okay i am going to ask you some questions and u answer them....

What do you put in the washing machine to wash clothes?

ANSWER: Laundry Detergant

What do you put in the dishwasher to clean your dishes?


if you follow would but dishwash detergant in a dishwasher. but eveidently dishwash detergant is dish soap. plain old run of the mill dish soap. so what happens when you but dishwash detergant in your dishwasher machine?!?!?!?!?!?

oops!!!! but this was a big oops this happened for over an hour. it poored and poored out bubbles. i guess u can call it a traditional diana incident. it had all the characteristics. including a nice talk from our parents. evidently cleaning up bubbles is a bonding experience. my dad was laughing and my mom was lecturing. then my sister decided to change the subject from bubbles to her date. my gave her the third degee and when she found out this guy was 24 she asked renee'

Mom: "Why do u seem to date men over 21"
Renee': "I don't know."
Mom: "Well you know there is only one thing on their mind."
Renee: "I know mom, i am partof the virgin club, scratch that i am the virgin club."
Mom: "What do you mean?"
Renee: "At work there were two of us, and now there is one."
Mom: "Well, stay a virgin. and oral sex is still sex."
(renee' and i give mom weird look)
Mom: "Tell, them kent."
Dad: "Listen to your mother."
Renee' : "But diana has had sex, and i bet she's had oral sex too, even though i don't understand why u would want to put ur mouth were someone peed?"
Mom: "Well, diana doesn't count."
Renee': "Why not!!! just cause she's been with kyle forever."
Mom: "Well, yes."
Renee': "But what happens if they never get married."
Mom: "What!!!"
Diana: "Chill mom, we will get married just like planned, i just don't know if it will be a wedding or if we will elope."
Mom: "Elope!!"
Dad: "Good!!"
Mom: "Good!?!?!?"
Dad: "We don't have to pay for a wedding, we have three girls you know."
Mom: "You don't want to give ur daughter away."
Dad: "Well, if she wants to alope we can't really stop her."
Mom: "Oh yes we can!!! if u don't give her away properly she will come back and we can't have that."
Diana: "What!!!"
Dad: "It's an oldwives supersition."
Mom: "No it's not a's true."
Diana: "Well what if we elope and take u with us will that work."
Mom: "Okay. shit the bubbles are coming faster now."

(exagerated slightly for you entertainment but all actually happened)

and the good news is that they are coming up again tomorrow!!!

WORD OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

agnosticism: The belief that it is impossible to know whether or not an ultimate cause (that is, God). exsits. An Agnostic is a person who is unable to conclude that there is or is not a God. By contrast, and atheist is a person who has concluded that God does not exist. (the two words are often confused.).

Frank, who had been raised in a deeply religious home, knew that it would hurt his parents to speak openly of his agnosticism.


At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my goodness that was so funny i always wanted to see bubles come out the dishwasher. oh and what are supposed dishwasher detergent for. And i agree with renne i thought the same thing about oral sex and still part of the virgin club. and again that was so funny



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