Tuesday, September 05, 2006


what the fuck!!! did my teacher want to make my life harder. lets see if u all read the chapter. of course i didn't read the chapter i was too busy doing more important things like papers. which i am still not even close to being done and i have one due tomorrow, two due on thurs, and the one on wed i have to turn in again on friday. but no he gave a pop quiz, and freaked us out. then he said ....get this "alright i am not taking this up but because no one did well, i am going to give a test on thursday. can u believe it. i am already going insane and then u tell me that i am going to have to kill myself. fuck that. oh well, too bad i actually care this semester. this is the first semester since freshman year that i am excited about being in school. i am even going above and beyond for my homework. which is probably why i feel like i have so much. and it is true, i have a lot, but there are those things that i could have waited/ never have done. but i wanted to be on top of things is that a crime?

p.s. i guess earl did have to die!!!!!!

WORD OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

alacrity: Eager, cheerful rapidity or promptness. Someone who is willing to extend themselves politely and quickly for another is said to show alacrity.

Jones made a special effort to show alacrity his first day on the job.

Diana would like to think that her alacrity always shows regardless of the situation.


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