Wednesday, September 06, 2006


today i found at that a famous person has died. which is ironic since my whole them this week is that i am going to die from all the homework, and i always make fun of the fact that i like to go by di. but today we shall morn the loss of an icon. his name...........steve irwin. although few know him by this name, he is known though out the world as the guy who loves and appreciates our wild life. i am speaking of none other than the crocodile hunter. if u go here........... they is an article and some video links for u too watch. but in the videos (specifically the one called Irwin Family Mourns Father, Husband) they raise some good points. specifically about children loosing thier father at such a young age. and they also bring up the point that it's hard to see someone like that die when u have seen him go through much worse.

no word of the day today


At 4:39 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

Okay, I know this is totally mean... but the guy deserved it. Well, maybe not deserved- but no one can really be surprised. After all he worked with wild animals that kill people, and he was pretty cocky about it while doing so. I feel bad for his family more than him.


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