Thursday, April 27, 2006


in response to liz's blog i would like to answer some of the following questions:

(and once again for legal reasons i am not talking about kyle (no, i really am, just don't tell him) not about him in any way)

Why is it that guys don't understand that it only makes us more mad when we have to explain to them why we're mad?

because it's no fun if they don't push our buttons

They may realize there is something wrong so they ask, and ask and ask, and you don't want to answer them, because you're trying to repress the anger, and just let it go, and they continue to ask, and it gets annoying, and just makes you more angry?

usually for me, i just say i had a bad day, i don't want to talk about it, but can i have a hug!!
(works everytime, especially if you say it sweetly)

BAD DAY!?!?!?!?!?

Why don't they understand that when you're looking especially cute that means 'give me attention' or 'show me the love?

is this not cute or what?

because to them a girl, or their own girl (aka specifically if the girl is a girlfriend, significant other, or a wife) is always cute, and never looks bad. there fore when u look exceedidngly cute they don't reconize it are always cute (to them).

Why don't they ever put the seat down?

would you sit on this?

to this question i agree whole heartedly. and i have totally fallen in the toliet on several occastions and been mad. but i don't say anything to a certain someone about it for one reason and one reason only. IT'S NOT MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!! (APARTMETNT/WHATEVER) but believe you and me the second it's our house (aka my house) there will be changes. oh, yes. and the toliet issue will be the first to be corrected!!!!!!

Why can't they realize that you're supposed to be more important to them like they are to you?

this question is too complex for a nock off female version with hair of dr. phil to answer. but i would say that everyone has priorities. and sometimes your priorities are not in the same order as theirs are. this does not mean that this is a good or bad thing. the question is are you okay with it? (if not, u got issues (for further personally stories on this issue please seek di during regualr im hours) )

Why can't they figure out when you don't feel good, and just leave well enough alone, or figure out that you need to feel better, and can't seem to do it on your own?

this question is confusing SKIP

Why can't they figure out that there are certain times a month that they need to be nice?

okay if a guy can not figure this out my best advice is go back to guy basics 101
(this is a link)

Why can't they realize that sometimes (or most times) a girl would rather have flowers than food ~ flowers don't make you gain weight?

see guys.....roses. minus the baby of course (i hope)

for guys only.............. to help u out i have made a list of all the times girls believe it is required for her to get flowers

1. anniverserys: this can be of any kind. one month, six month, yearly, first kiss, first date, first time i said "i love you" et cinema et cinema

2. birthdays

3. all holidays excluding christmas (jewelry is required), new years eve (the best damn kiss in the world is required), saint patricks day (alcohol is required), easter (chocalote is required), memorial day (i don't know what u do on memorial day.........wait a vacation or romantic endevior is required (eh, girls.....?)), 4th of july (picnics and fireworks are required), labor day (one free day of nothingness is required....get is labor free day.......hahaha), halloween (matching couple costumes is required) thanks giving ( food and spending time with girl's relatives required)

so to some up as many damn roses as you can buy on valentines day, u just get bonus points for buying roses on any other holiday, and lets face it guys need all the bonus points they can get

Why can't they realize that there are sometimes that you just need a gift, even if it's a really small one?

now, i don't believe all women need a gift. but i feel as though i am not the correct person to answer this question, for i (and not bragging) recieve gifts on a weekly basis (aka every time a see a certain person which should be kyle but for legal reason's name will remain unsaid) but for u men/boys who don't understand buying dinner is a gift, clothes are a gift, chocolate even a candy bar is a gift. and for the girls every time the boys smiles at you it's a gift, everytime they hug you, kiss you and cuddle with u it's a gift. because it means they still like you. which i have learned is very important in a relationship.

Why can't they realize that having emotions is normal?

because men r raised to not show emotions therefore men think that an emotion is just another problem they have to deal with.

well can anyone tell that i had the night off from work and no finals to study for!!!!


At 5:56 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

I totally love the gift paragraph!!! thanks DH!!

At 11:35 PM, Blogger di hu said...

i have tried many times but u seem to have a mind of your own :)

At 12:06 PM, Blogger FlutinKat said...

I love the new colors, it's a really neat look.


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