Monday, April 24, 2006


i have been thinking really hard. this blog is for me and i write to vent (ish) i also do it because i am a secret entertainer and this helps me make people laugh. laughter is a very good thing. especially in these hard times when life just plain sucks. but i came to realize recently (aka last bowling period) that blogs can be dangerous. what if u want people to know u. i mean the real u. so u write stuff, make jokes or whatever. everyone knows what u write. that's why we write. but i think..........very personal opinion...................that blogs r just a very sophisticated version of highschool drama. which is ironic since all my blog readers went to highschool with me. and if we are not careful we can hurt people we like. or piss of those we r mad at even more. (which is kind of fun.....mean.........but a little fun) so my question is (and it's kinda a retorichal question (or however u spell it) ) is my blog hurtful or damaging people in any way? i hurt people enough with my words, i don't need to do it in a blog too. i am going to have to go with no. i am not hurting anyone. now my last blog was my personal thoughts and feelings. that was my veiws on certain issues and probably way more than u ever needed to know. but i haven't decided if i should post more like that. i think for now i will stick with my funny random comments and segments. and also for legal reasons kyle won't be mentioned as much. i really thought i was going to close my blog, for i have grown tired and wary of it. everyone said i would. but it's not because i don't feel like posting, it's that i am afraid to post. (did everyone pay attention, i am afraid) i don't want to hurt anybody. also i will take this time to give a shout out to ninja. i wasn't attacking u in the blog, i was stating my opinions. i knew it would come out harsher than i wanted it too. i apoligize. do u forgive me? (that was also a retorical question, but u may answer it if u would like) back to the whole thought i was going to close my blog thing....................... but i decided to take a page from sean's book. (what, sean has a book?) i won't start a new blog but i will try to change things here and there. the hardest lesson i will ever/never learn is timing. when and when not to do things. timing and i don't get along at all. i guess that would be a goal. but now is not the time for that. funny, stupid, random, haha, laughable funny stuff is my outer apperance and so will be my blog. it is official and written down in ink. so ha, i can't change it. unless of course i erase this post in which case it will have never exsisted and i can go back to doing what ever the hell i want to. but that would involve making reality disappear and so far my equation is as follows = i got half of the world gone and the worm whole started but i can't seem to get the other diminsions to come through it because the time continuim is an issue i haven't factored in. but i am working on it.


At 2:28 AM, Blogger Tabz said...

im telling you! you have to invert the slip stream or it wont work cause there isnt enought cohesion between the demensions. i just cant remeber where i put the damn instrutions. if i had those we could do it.

At 2:31 AM, Blogger di hu said...

inverting it won't work, because then this reality gets inverted not disapearing....hello!!!!

At 2:32 AM, Blogger Tabz said...

your wrong i tell ya! WRONG!!!!!!!

At 12:48 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

Inverstion... that's a funny word. To the serious comment bit now... You aren't/haven't offended me in anyway. I realize that blogs, being written by one person have one point of view, and one opinion written into them. So being such, I take it all with a grain of salt. While there are a few things that I believe are still 'unforgivable' (quoted for emphasize and to bring attention that nothing is really unforgivable) like personal attacks, I have yet to see anything like that in your blog.

At 3:39 PM, Blogger FlutinKat said...

I figure that as long as you do everything with good intentions (unless you're venting about someone who won't see your blog) then you can't go wrong. I haven't been offended by anything you or anyone else has said yet.

Sorry for the late reply but I'm a bit behind.


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