Monday, February 27, 2006


I have a feeling i will write two of these today, unless of course by the time i get home i am absolutly out of it that i decide not too. now u might be wondering why i am writing this one especially if i know i am writing one latter tonight well i think it is time for another comment. (my favorite section). This time i shall be commenting on the comment
Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said... Mad props, Di. Mad. Props. Well in response to this i say thank u. props r props. especially in the theater world. a prop is something that not only means great stuff, or good going, but if props r used correctly u can hit people, sword fight with people, shot people, and sometimes even dance with shoes and sticks/canes. and now it is time to give props to Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) Mad props, Mr. Greene (and his orchestra). Mad. Props.

p.s. this blog is brought to u by color!!!!!!!!!!! what a beautiful thing.


i go away for one weekend and it's like AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! central. oooh, funny story i got online for like 5 min and everyone im's me. i felt loved. so thank u to those who said hi!!!! also it's good to be back. i love my so called "vacation time" . even though friday night was a lot more fun than my visit on Saturday night it was still great to see him. yes i am still with him. although i think by now the only ones that r shocked r those new friends i meet. i wonder how everyone would take it if we weren't together. i also wonder if we were ever one of those couples that when we got together everyone was secretly planning when we would break up. believe me i have done that to some people. i honestly have wondered what other people say about me. not that i would dwell on it or take offense to it, i was just always curious. am i the stupid one or the clown. am i awful/rude or just too truthful. a curious thing to ponder (plunder) about and ponder (plunder) i think i will.

p.s. this blog has been editied and formated to the likes of individuals who r more awake than i was at the time i wrote it, it was edited on the day after it was written, whatever day that was. also plundering was kept in there for the individuals who have a firm belief in plundering and pirates. ARRRRR!!!!

Friday, February 24, 2006


good bye

WORD OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, February 23, 2006


i had been waiting for this for a week. it is the only time that i have to party or whatevers. anyway there was five. and i am not sure if i am mad or upset or confused, i don't know how i feel. but to me it felt as though that someone didn't want to be there and i felt as though they kinda ruined part of the evening. i mean if u don't want to do something don't do it. i mean is that hard. and i am not specifically talking about what happened tonight but in general. i hate the excuse oh i didn't want to but they did it anyway. and just for the record to make it perfectly clear i am not saying that not wanting to take of personal responsibility falls under this category like work, or in some cases school. but dear lord it does irrate the hell out of me when people do things for other people or because of other people. have a mind of ur own and don't be afraid to say no. we all no to say no to drugs and stuff like that but saying no to like no i don't want to participate in drinking, or go to a party, or go bowling is not a bad thing. and believe me no one will think less of u for it. i know i won't.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


i am home from work and i am now tired.....
i think i will go to bed,
and rest my head,
and play dead,
i will not be fed,
or poisoned by lead,
and so it will be said
my hair will be red,
and i will now lie in my bed.

Monday, February 20, 2006


so in the college world there is this thing called homework. in the real world there is this thing called procrastination. when the two r combined.....hmwrk+procrast.=allnighter. ur basic algebra equation. now i totally over slept. i went to bed early last night(ish) at 3:00 am. i was suppose to wake up at 11:00 a.m, but instead i woke up at 1:30 p.m. mental note when u want to wake up early it might help if u set an alarm clock.....yeah.....i totally forgot to do that. next i decided that since i had to go to work at 4:00pm, i decided to eat, get dressed(which also includes 20 min for make-up time) see exactly how much homework i had. well i spent the 1st 30 min playing a game. by 2:00 i was cooking a jeno's pizza and drinking JUICE, and looked at my handy dandy agendawalletthingy. my sister made me get one to help me keep organized. and it's totally working. i forget to do the homework or chores, but at least now i know that there is a written record so when i forget i can look at it. it's a new concept for diana. writing things down on something other than a hand and so far keeping up with it for 1 month. amazing. i diserve an award!!! anyway where was i, oh yes, (about 4 lines up) and it says i have a 2 page paper due, my survey needs to be completed and copies made, my goals for teaching and info about my school r due, and i have to read ch.11 of some damn textbook for a quiz. well so i decided to continue to play my game. went to work, didn't do well in pms but other than that it was fine. then i went to braums and got some over night food and soda. yes soda. (dr.pepper to be exact) a number seven and upsize the drink to a large. then i appoligized for ordering food 10 min before they closed and u know what. they cooked my food fresh. yes, FRESH!!!! amazing!!!!!!!!!! anyway now i am writing this blog to not do homework to continue the procrastionation but tabz (a good little friend too) is on my butt. thats what friends r for so i will say (in the words of project runway(but not spelling wise)) AUWFITERZEIN!!!!!!!!!!!


i was unable to go to my resturant yesterday. stupid weather. anyway i don't have anything important to say so its time for di's favorite section.....pick random comment and discuss it... todays comment is......Tabz said...
ya diana has joined in the madness of infrecent posting of usally pointless rambalings! (in my 1st post on feb.16th) for the record my rambalings are not pointless not now or will they ever be. 2nd my postings will not be infrecent (or at least not this month) i am not saying i will post everyday, but my goal is 3 times a week. and that will not be infrecent at all. 3rd i will totally and 100% agree that it is madness and last but not least 4th i would like to thank tabz for being the 1st person to comment on my blogness EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank u for reading and keep commenting.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


I, diana, was unable to go to stillwater yesterday. stupid, stupid weather and it's icyness and coldness and snowyness in it's prevention to allow cars to safely travel from one point to another preventing others in not seeing significant others in which they so wish/need to do so. but, i think it's all good. today is the 1st dr. pepper i have had all week. renee' and i r trying to quit soda, but i got a headache at work and purchased a beverage with caffine in it. now granted i know i could have gotton tea or something but i thought i would reward myself for not drinking coke all week with a coke. (don't say a word, my logic is sound) tomorrow i go to my favorite resturant in all the world, guess on what it is, if u guess right u get chocolate!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2006


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! My parents have been married for 22 years. And i am only 21. weird huh?
View this in honor of my parents.
Today i go to Del City Highschool, and then to work from 2-10 and then to stillwater. Those are my Fridays. Kyle and i will celebrate valentines day!!! HAPPY late VALENTINES DAY!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

okay look at me

okay, so i am here. in the blog world after much confusion. who knew i could conquer many worlds. okay so here is the scoop. i am sick. missed my last class to go eat lunch with kacy, and now i am on computer board, but i am in bed. which is what counts i think. yesterday i went bowling!!!!!!!!! tabz, crystal, me, and my sister r going bowling on wed.!!!! so come join us. we are bowling in edmond from 9:30-11:30. cost $6.00 for shoes and 3 games. what a deal!! what a deal!! anyway i am totally new at this whole blog thing so if u could please ask me questions or comment about my 1st post that would be most helpful. also as fair warning comments such as grammer this, or u misspelled that will not be accepted and will be made fun of. the end!!!!!!!!!