Thursday, February 16, 2006

okay look at me

okay, so i am here. in the blog world after much confusion. who knew i could conquer many worlds. okay so here is the scoop. i am sick. missed my last class to go eat lunch with kacy, and now i am on computer board, but i am in bed. which is what counts i think. yesterday i went bowling!!!!!!!!! tabz, crystal, me, and my sister r going bowling on wed.!!!! so come join us. we are bowling in edmond from 9:30-11:30. cost $6.00 for shoes and 3 games. what a deal!! what a deal!! anyway i am totally new at this whole blog thing so if u could please ask me questions or comment about my 1st post that would be most helpful. also as fair warning comments such as grammer this, or u misspelled that will not be accepted and will be made fun of. the end!!!!!!!!!


At 12:45 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

cool cool.

At 11:03 PM, Blogger Tabz said...

ya diana has joined in the madness of infrecent posting of usally pointless rambalings!

At 12:39 AM, Blogger Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

See, it looks cool enough to know, except for grammar this, and misspelling that. I've got that comin' out of my ears, lemme tell ya.


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