Monday, February 20, 2006


i was unable to go to my resturant yesterday. stupid weather. anyway i don't have anything important to say so its time for di's favorite section.....pick random comment and discuss it... todays comment is......Tabz said...
ya diana has joined in the madness of infrecent posting of usally pointless rambalings! (in my 1st post on feb.16th) for the record my rambalings are not pointless not now or will they ever be. 2nd my postings will not be infrecent (or at least not this month) i am not saying i will post everyday, but my goal is 3 times a week. and that will not be infrecent at all. 3rd i will totally and 100% agree that it is madness and last but not least 4th i would like to thank tabz for being the 1st person to comment on my blogness EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank u for reading and keep commenting.


At 2:36 AM, Blogger Tabz said...



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