Thursday, November 02, 2006


i hate people. i hate robbers, and theives and stupid people. that's right!!!! they are bastards.

"geese diana what kind of bee do you got in your bonnet?" (people of the blogger world ask diana)

people steel. people rob. god damn, today i helped a women in walmart carry her stuff to her car because her cart was so full things were falling off and no one else would help her. what has the world come to!!!!!!! i want to change it. i am try'in but there are too many damn fools in my way. my new favorite quote:

"once somebody shows you who they are, believe them."

i don't believe much in change. which sucks because i know so many who have turned their lives around and do have inspiring stories. but to me once a drunk always a drunk, once a cheater always a cheater, once a theif always a theif. i know it's wrong to think like that. but i also know it's impossible to change them. think about all the times people said:

"yeah, i aint gonna do that anymore"

and now think about all the times u said that.

hell, i say that about caffine every day.

"i am going to change, i am not going to have a soda!!!"

lord and behold 3 hours later i have a soda in my hand justifing to myself why i desirve that. shame on me. dishonor on me.

"dishonor on you, dihonor on your family, dishonor on your cow!!!!"

if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a's a duck "AFLAC!!!"

this is what i learned.......

everyone i meet i put in to a catagory of a tree.

some people are like leaves on a tree. wind blows there over here, wind blows again there over there. season changes, and they wither and die. there gone. that's alright though, that's what most people are. there just there to take from the tree, they aint there to do anything else but to take, and give shade everynow and then. that's all they can do. but don't get mad at people like that, that's who they are. they were put on this earth to be nothing but a leaf. but then there are some people who are like a branch on a tree. but u got to be careful with them branches too, cause they'll fool you. they will make you think they are a good friend, that they are good and stong, but the minute you step out on them, they will break and leave you high and dry. but if you find 2 or 3 people in your life that are like the roots at the bottom of that tree, you are blessed. because them are kind of people that ain't going no where. they ain't worried about being seen, nobody don't have to know that they know you, but if those roots werent' there that tree couldn't live. a tree can have a hundred million braches but only a couple of roots down at the bottom, to make sure that tree gets everything that it needs. when u get those roots hold on to them, but the rest of the stuff let it go. let the wind take them away. you don't need them to be a tree.

so i guess i should change my title, but damn bastards is a fun title. so it stays. but i do want to say for the record that it does agrivate me when people do things that aren't nice, but maybe we are meant to take a moment and stop. and think, why did that leave come to my tree again?


At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was interesting and i guess true did u come up with the tree thing all by ur self.


At 5:39 PM, Blogger di hu said...

nope i had help, from madea!!!


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