Monday, October 02, 2006


i know i disappeared....but i am not gone for ever. nope, folks, this person is here to stay. i just had to leave, retreat, fly away. sometimes that happens. life gets to be too much and BOOM!!!! u have to go and take care of it. and that is what i did.

so on the good news front i got a new phone. on the bad news front it appears that my powersteering pump is going out on my car. the belt locks up and makes a funny smell, and the oil leak in my car got bigger, so it should come as no shock or surprize that once again i am grounded to the edmond area. on another good news front i got gas for $1.92 baby!!! on another bad news front work gossip has gone to an absolute height, and yesterday our store manager talked to each of us for over an hour!!!! can you believe it. and some of what he had to say was disconcerting. good news number 3 is that i have been sticking to my healthy alternative life style. i decided that it's not a diet i am going on....i don't need a diet. but i do need to change my unhealthy eating ways. (but don't try and convince me from changing my medium rare steak eating ways). i am officially down to one or no sodas a day, and i am.....are u ready for a shocker......drinking water the rest of the time. i feel weird.... i hate water. but now i drink it....and that's that.

now here is a personal shout out to someone i love and hold dear....."I HATE YOU CRYSTAL", why in the hell did u have to get me addicted to facebook. i was just fine with my blogging ways.....but no lets take diana, who has a very addictive personality, and get her addicted to something else. my addictions thus so far: dr. pepper, chocolate, steak, pizza, mexican food, italian food, project runway, blogging, facebook, and always having a book in my hand.

i am getting to be awful about reading. u think i would have stopped reading once fall hit....and i usually do. but not this year. this year i have kept reading and reading and reading. i never turned in those books i got from the library, along with a movie i rented. but i lost the movie and 2 books.....and now they are found. so now i can turn in the books and movie, and get more more movie...they are expensive when it comes to overdueness. so instead i have been buying my books, and in some cases kyle has bought me a book or two. he encourages my reading.

kyle is so sweet and so cute. i tell him that everyday. but why is it that they can tell u how pretty or beautiful u look, and u believe them, but when u try to give them a complement.(and it really is true) he doesn't believe you. i just want to grap him by the shoulders and shake him and say SNAP OUT OF IT!!!! if i didn't think u were sweet, cute, adorable, sexy, etc, then i wouldn't be dating u, YOU KNUCKLEHEAD. and then what does he do to retaliate....he tickles u. or buy u roses....depending on his mood. which is another thing, i still get roses. after 5 years i still get roses. (that's a head up for u males out there) i really couldn't have asked for a better man, and he gave me a very special birthday.

speaking of birthday thanks to everyone who came. i hope you had as much fun as i did. sorry about the service at the buffet. but at least there wasn't a mandatory gratuity on our tab.

which brings me too......a news report. yeah, i watched the news. but only because i didn't want to write my speech. crystal and i have been talking about it for awhile. it was about a movement in the waitressing field, where a mandatory graduity of 20% would be added to every check. we discussed the pros and the cons and here is what we got.

1. servers get paid for their work, and does not have to worry about being shorted or stiffed of a tip.

1. guests have to pay 20% regardless of whether or not it was good or bad service.

1. maybe the servers should be payed by there employer. instead of having the customers pay the 20%...give the servers minimum wage.

which brings me to the fact that i have been working for walgreens for about a year. i will be getting a raise and i am looking forward to it. i have been picking up shifts to makeup for lack of hours being given. i have been thinking about getting a second job, but as long as i go to school 5 days a week, a second job is out of the question.

but school is kicking my butt. i know it is suppose to get harder they more higher level classes u have, but in my silly little mind i thought that they would get easier. silly diana and her silly ways. I don't have much time for anything other than school and work. but this thursday i am spending the day with crystal. it will be like a party, only no alcohol, and no one else is invited.

but yes after long searching, (i be searching long time) it is official. Ashley is hosting the halloween party. i am excited. i believe kyle and i are going to do a couples outfit. i am so shocked that he agreed to it. maybe he will back out last minute eh? but it's on october the 27th. i don't know the time yet.....but remember i know everything, so don't heistate to call me.

which brings me to telephone numbers. i broke my last phone in all the numbers i had in thier are lost. which means I don't have anyones number. please call me or give it to me. i need the numbers so i can call u and harass u. well, not about talk? eh, i don't know. now i am just babling. i need a new subject. ah, ha!!!!!

it's monday and u know what that means. lets see............


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