Thursday, November 30, 2006


almost everyone wrote a post because there was snow
and i thought that it would be low
if diana didn't write a poem that flowed
about our glorious, nictorious snow that glows.

this morning i felt the snow with my toe,
and realized that the snow was my foe
and so i shouted out loud, "oh no"
who wants snow that glows,
ontop of grass that hasn't been mowed,
to be an arch foe
against your toe
i knew it would be one of those days that were slow

i decided to not dress up like a hoe
and not wear clothes made out of skin from doe's
a whole was found, so i sewed
up the patch in my jacket and decided to go
out to buy a cup of joe

but the wind decided to blow
that beautiful snow
that decided to glow
and happened to flow
right on my toes

so the moral of my story goes
protect your toes
by not dressing up like hoes
to get cups of joes
while it snows
so you should stow
away from the cold to have no woes

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 25, 2006


so i diana elaine humphrey, have streaks. good streaks, bad streaks, and annoying streaks. well a couple of days ago i had what i am going to call GOOD KARMA streak. 5 days of pure coolness.

1. it all started saturday when i went to taco bell to get lunch. i went through the drive through and placed my order. The lady at the first window reconized me. I waited on her alot when i worked at Bennigan's. She said i was a good waitress and gave me my order for free.

2. now it's sunday and i have the evening off. renee' and i usually go out when we both have an evening off. so i asked her if she wanted to go eat at johnny carinos. we were going to catch a movie at the dollar theater, so it wasn't completely out of our way. it turned out crystal was having a bad night, so us showing up cheered her up. and she gave us a whole bunch of free things. also one of her co-workers sat down and we had a nice conversation. we paid like 10 bucks for like 25 dollars worth of food.

3. now it's monday and i am panicking. i have an artificial cake due tomorrow, (aka tuesday) so i run to hobby lobby and talk with someone about how to make a cake with out making it. anyway when i went to go check out it was like 5 bucks instead of $12.00. when i asked the checkout girl why it was so cheap, she said for today only the items i got, (fake stems) are half off. so i paid and thanked my ancestors, rainbows, and lepircons, for my good luck. at this point i has just considering my self lucky. then i went over to ace hardware and got lost. i couldn't find this plaster puddy thing anywhere. so i asked for help, and he showed me. i told him all about my project and asked him if he think it would work. he said yes and asked which highschool my project was for. well i turned as red as my hair and said i am in college. i also asked him if he had a bucket i could buy so i could mix the platter puddy stuff in. he showed me the buckets, picked one up that said ACE HARDWARE on it, and he told me that since it was for school he wouldn't charge me for the bucket. which is good cause this small bucket was $2.50. and he didn't charge me for it. then i went home and saw renee' was up. i asked her if she wanted to go eat lunch. there is a resturanunt called bunny's onions burgers that i haven't been to in a long time. i asked her if she wanted to go there. she said that she really wanted to go to jimmy's egg, but that she wouldn't mind going to bunny's. so finally i convienced her to go to bunny's. while she was getting ready i told her about how lately i have been getting alot of free stuff. i told here that i think karma is paying me back for all my niceness, and then i quickly knocked on wood. because i know that when it ended all the bad karma would kick me in the butt. so we went and it was packed. i mean i have never seen this resturaunt like this. and there was only one cook and two waitresses. we put in our order and waited. i am not sure how long we waited, but at one point the cook/owner asked if we had been helped. and we said yep, i believe that we are the last order you have. she looked at her pile and there was like 10 ahead of us. she appoligized for out wait. and we said don't worry about it. when it was finally ready she gave it to us. but here is the kicker. renee' and i ordered 1 buger and 1 order of fries, we usually split things. what we got was 2 burgers and 2 orders of fries. she gave us free food. at that moment i knocked on wood again, and good thing too cause it only got better.

4. after pulling an allnighter on my cake i called a friend up, his name is brian. i asked him if i could come over. i needed to stay awake while my cake dried. i knew that once i had gone to sleep i wouldn't wake up. he told me to come on over, and when i showed up he had free food for me. he works at pinara (or how ever u spell it) bread. i had a free bagel with cream cheese. a couple of hours later i am done with school and ....well....i am not going to get into details but lets just say i had a full afternoon with fotinni and helping out crystal. it was so much fun!!!!! after crystal got out of class, we went to her house. the three of us (crystal, fotinni, and me) were going out. i hadn't really felt that tired all day until at crystal's apartment where i practically fell asleep watching tv. then we went out, had fun. and after words we wanted to get some food. but it was almost 2:00 in the morning. we stopped by wendy's and i asked them when they closed. the guy told me they close in 3 minutes. so i said,
"hey don't worry about it, we will go somewhere else have a nice night."
and the guy started aurguing with me and said
"hey don't worry about it what can i get u."
and i said "that i use to work a drivethru once and i really hated people coming in last minute. and that i wasn't going to do that to him"
and he said well thanks but could u pull around to the first window. and so i did and each of us got free large (okay i think they were really a size small, but since i usually only get a junior it was big) frosty. to make another long story short ate food, went to bed, the end.

5. the next day i got up went home, and took a shower. when i got out kyle's mom called. so i ran out the door and met with her for lunch. i asked her out to lunch earlier in the week without kyle's knowledge. but anyway she paid for lunch. i didn't excpect her too, i even fought with her over it a little but i also knew that if his mom was anything like kyle fighting with her was futile so i gave in and let her by lunch.

that is all my happy karmaness. now it's only been 2 days since the end of my happy karmaness, but the bad karmaness week has begun.

1. that same day i went home to my mom. the whole family was there, my mom, my dad, and my two sisters and i. but the bad karma part is my mom got drunk. that's all i am really going to say about that one, oh and she wouldn't speak to anyone until the next day.
2. i worked on thanksgiving i call that bad karma regardless
3. wlagreens made me spend 60 dollars on there black friday sell
4. i should have gotten fired or written up yesterday but i didn't. i was reading a book on the sales floor while eating beef jeerky. a big nono. mr. miller was kind, and i thanked him for not punnishing me. he just yelled at me.
5. then it turns out that 100 dollars was missing from register 1. we hired a new girl, and we think she stole it. because of the info i told them. i said she checkout with my at my register with over 80 dollars worth of stuff and paid with a 100 dollar bill. which is exactly how much is missing from register 1. this is considered bad karma cause i hate being a tattle tale, and bad things always happen to those people.

well it's now saturday and i go to work in 25 minutes. it's only going to get worse. my bad week of karma, so i will write to tell you how it went. i will get to see kyle to night, but that won't be fun either. his mom told him about our lunch, he told me, "lucy, u got some splaining to do!!!"
so yeah i am in a bit of trouble. but that's who i am.

peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006


so i need to make a cake without baking a cake. sounds hard huh? well it is. so much that of course i procrastinated and here i am. it's due in 2 days and all i have is styrophome. i am ok. looking forward to the parties i am. oh they are....

Information Event Info
Host: Crystal
Type: Party - Holiday Party
Place Date: Thursday, December 21, 2006
Time: 7:30pm - 11:00pm
Venue: crystal's house
State: OK
Contact InfoPhone: 405.248.8975
this is a party that celebrates both the end of finals and christmas. alcohol is allowed but it is a BYOB. Also every year we do the secret santa game, and we will continue to do it this year as well, but with a twist. those who wish to participate in the secret santa game please email the words "YES I WANT TO PLAY SECRET SANTA" to if you do not, you will not recieve the instructions for the game, and will not be allowed to participate in it during the party. being a part of the game is not required, but like i said if you do wish to participate please email diana. please bring 5 bucks for pizza and soda will be provided. see ya then!!!!okay u don't have to neccisarily email the words to me i want to play secret santa, you may just post it on the wall down below if u wish!!!

Event InfoName: NEW YEAR'S PARTY
Host:Megan Oelke
Type: Party - Holiday Party
Time and Place Start Time: Sunday, December 31, 2006 at 8:30pm
End Time: Monday, January 1, 2007 at 1:30pm
Venue: meo's house
to have a party to bring in the newyear.BYOC and BYOT

i will email them later, i am too lazy now. which is ironic because i can't stop reading. i am reading a book every 24-48 hours. i just finished a 400 page book in a day, and i was at work for most of it. (don't worry i made sure i read the book away from the cameras) so please come to party and remember i like u. and u like me. come to the parties pretty please!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006


i hate people. i hate robbers, and theives and stupid people. that's right!!!! they are bastards.

"geese diana what kind of bee do you got in your bonnet?" (people of the blogger world ask diana)

people steel. people rob. god damn, today i helped a women in walmart carry her stuff to her car because her cart was so full things were falling off and no one else would help her. what has the world come to!!!!!!! i want to change it. i am try'in but there are too many damn fools in my way. my new favorite quote:

"once somebody shows you who they are, believe them."

i don't believe much in change. which sucks because i know so many who have turned their lives around and do have inspiring stories. but to me once a drunk always a drunk, once a cheater always a cheater, once a theif always a theif. i know it's wrong to think like that. but i also know it's impossible to change them. think about all the times people said:

"yeah, i aint gonna do that anymore"

and now think about all the times u said that.

hell, i say that about caffine every day.

"i am going to change, i am not going to have a soda!!!"

lord and behold 3 hours later i have a soda in my hand justifing to myself why i desirve that. shame on me. dishonor on me.

"dishonor on you, dihonor on your family, dishonor on your cow!!!!"

if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a's a duck "AFLAC!!!"

this is what i learned.......

everyone i meet i put in to a catagory of a tree.

some people are like leaves on a tree. wind blows there over here, wind blows again there over there. season changes, and they wither and die. there gone. that's alright though, that's what most people are. there just there to take from the tree, they aint there to do anything else but to take, and give shade everynow and then. that's all they can do. but don't get mad at people like that, that's who they are. they were put on this earth to be nothing but a leaf. but then there are some people who are like a branch on a tree. but u got to be careful with them branches too, cause they'll fool you. they will make you think they are a good friend, that they are good and stong, but the minute you step out on them, they will break and leave you high and dry. but if you find 2 or 3 people in your life that are like the roots at the bottom of that tree, you are blessed. because them are kind of people that ain't going no where. they ain't worried about being seen, nobody don't have to know that they know you, but if those roots werent' there that tree couldn't live. a tree can have a hundred million braches but only a couple of roots down at the bottom, to make sure that tree gets everything that it needs. when u get those roots hold on to them, but the rest of the stuff let it go. let the wind take them away. you don't need them to be a tree.

so i guess i should change my title, but damn bastards is a fun title. so it stays. but i do want to say for the record that it does agrivate me when people do things that aren't nice, but maybe we are meant to take a moment and stop. and think, why did that leave come to my tree again?