Wednesday, April 05, 2006


well my dad took my computer to the hospital today. and this is a true story. see there is this computer place by our house called the computer hospital. when my dad was telling me about where he took i said "dad, u mean the computer repair shop" and he said "no" the name of the place is actually the computer hospital. how cool is that. i also told my dad it was totally going on my blog. he laughed, and then asked what's a blog. i had so much trouble with figuring out what a blog was that i didn't even try with my dad. although i have to admit when i told him do u know what "myspace" is? he knew. can u believe that!!!! he knew. when people asked if i had a myspace i said yep it's at home. so i told my dad it's kinda like myspace, and then he goes on a tangent. myspace is bad. u can get raped and murdered and stalked and etc. and i said dad u sound like mom. he goes i know but she has a point. women often get raped and murdered and killed and thanks to us u r kinda good looking which means we have to worry about u more than we would other children. all three of u r pretty. well that's the end of that conversation. p.s. i took my nap.


At 3:02 AM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

that is a slighlty amusing antecdote.


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