Friday, March 24, 2006


why do we cry. do we cry when we are upset or disappointed. or do cry mearly because our tear ducts are full. i don't understand the point of crying. in fact i never started crying until senior year. even sad movies didn't make me sad. i also never cried at funnerals. but it's like in the last couple of years i have lost control of my emotions. i feel things i shouldn't. angry when there is no reason for it. sad when it doesn't make since. and crying over spilled milk. it's embarassing. i feel as though sometimes i am about to burst. and then the snowglobe goes first, and then me. who cries over snowglobes, huh? why do we feel things at the wrong time. tired after 10 hours of sleep, hyper after one 24 oz of mountain dew. exhausted, depressed, sometimes i wish i were borg or vulcan. they think with logic, not with there emotions. i try to do that but sometimes the tears come anyway. and sometimes the anger turns into rage. but the worst part is defending ur self. trying to tell/convince someone ur not upset when u r clearly crying. but u don't know why ur crying so they think that u know when u don't. then they harass u and say u r upset, when u still don't know why your crying in the first place. i hate crying. i hate being angry. i hate being tired. i wish i could just be happy.

"I might get to the end of my life and find out everyone was lying. I don't think that I'm afraid anymore and say that I would rather die trying" -D.C.


At 5:01 PM, Blogger Tabz said...

did you have a bad night?


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