Wednesday, January 31, 2007


1. Begin by lying flat on your back or standing up straight. You may also sit up straight in a chair, if that is more comfortable.

2. Place your hand on your stomach area.

3. Breathe as you normally would and notice whether your hand and stomach rise and fall, or your chest rises and falls, as you breathe.

4. When you are breathing properly, your chest will stay still while your stomach will rise slightly as you breathe in. When you breathe out, your chest will continue to stay still while your stomach lowers slightly.

5. To learn to breathe correctly, begin by slowly breathing in through your nose on the count of 5 while gently pushing your hand up with your stomach.

6. Hold the breath for a count of 5.

7. Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of five while gently pushing down on your stomach.

8. Repeat this process for 5 minutes.

9. If the process causes you to begin panicking, only do it for as long as you are able.

10. Increase the length of time each day until you can do the exercise for at least 5 minutes twice per day.

11. If you continue to practice breathing this way, you soon will be doing it naturally throughout the day.

12. An additional benefit will be that once you are familiar with the exercise, you may do it while experiencing anxiety or at the beginning of a panic attack, and you will feel relief.


1. Do not be angry with yourself or give up if you cannot do this exercise correctly right away. It takes practice. Give yourself time.

2. Do not be afraid of the exercise causing panic. Remember: you are in control and can stop at any time. Take it as slowly as needed.


we all know that for woman there is a certain time of the month that our bodies decide to poor blood out of place where we pee, and for men there dicks get hard when they are aroused, but what happens when one goes to sleep early and still manages to miss 5 phone calls and an alarm, and everything was working fine. ringer on, battery on, nothing the matter exept for the fact that you are 3 hours late to work and your work as of late has not been the most exlimpary (have no clue how to spell that) but once again life goes on.....but i always wonder why? why do you have a nightmare about little elves coming to take you away, why does your leg completely give out everyonce in awhile, why why why!?!? okay ranting done, but in all seriousness what does it take for an individual to get a message from their body, or is it that there wasn't a message at all?

Sunday, January 28, 2007


so i saw kyle this weekend. it's been the first time in 3 weeks but that is sooooo not why i am writing. i finally got a chance to ride in his new truck and dear lord i love this man's radio. ok i like the guy too but his radio kicks ass. it tells you the name of the station your listening too....the name of the song......and the artist. remember those times when a song came on and you and your sister argue about who the hell the artist is, and you know your right but u can't prove it because your in a car and no way to really "look up" that answer, so you make a bet, but you forget to go home and look it up that day, and when you finally do remember your sister "conviently" forgets that she made that bet with you and you know it's just because you proved her wrong and she remembers but it was so long ago that you can't call her out on "not remembering", and you know that all of this would just be solved if you had a cool snazy kickass radio like your boyfriend has, but alas it is up in stillwater, where he is and so your stuck with your un-cool, un-psychic radio.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Gladys Hardy on Ellen

this made me laugh so bad!!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


so yes i know i am alive. for somestrange reason i haven't felt the need to blog. even for that matter i haven't even checked them anymore. but i decided that today is the day that i will speak out. today is the day where i will scream and shout. and if you want to know i have been out and about. see it all started along time ago back when i was in middle school...lets say 12. i decided that i like to dream. so i started to create different day dreams and stories in my head. but now that i am older i realized it's so much easier if someone else does that for you. hence my reading addiction. seriously it's out of hand. yes it is still romance novels, trashy romance novels, which means heaven forbid they have a sex scene or two. and yes TWO!!! most of my books don't even until page 150-200. and the plot lines kick ass. right now i am in the middle of a military series with secret ops and everything. it's facinating. i know that i am defending myself, and saying there not that trashy and stuff, and i traditionaly hide the covers when i read. and at work i am a running joke, like that new, but i guess what i am saying is i read what i like. i don't make fun of you for reading what ever it is u read. so that is my ventation about that subject. in other news i believe you all saw that kyle was unable to make it to the new years eve party. its not because he is unsociable it's because his car broke down. but that is no longer an issue since now he has a brand new used 2002 ford f150 truck black with extended cab. and too answer your questions.. no i have not driven it nor will i be allowed to touch the steering wheel in any way and yes the no food no drink rule applies to everyone not just me. i recently got a myspace page for those who wish to find me and join it. i didn't want to at first, but then crystal convienced me too again. first face book then's okay i got her on the whole blog thing. and it turns out i have found more family than friends on myspace . not that i am upset about's just weird. also i recently had a day of you know how long it has been since i have had a day of fun. or course you don't, cause your not me. but if you were you would understand, and it was fun.renee's battery became dead this week and i won't give you the details cause that wouldn't be fun but i will let u use ur imagination. me, renee, 2 cars a hood that won't open, batteries on opposite sides, cords wont reach, drive car sideways over ice on lawn, flashlight button frozen, frozen toes and fingers, and once i again i will interate ME, AND RENEE' the end. imagineer that!! speaking of disney i love hanah montana. and speaking of teens did you know that woman don't start their adolence until they have had there period. yes that's right i didn't offically become an adolence until i was 16. so what the hell was i before that. a big kid!!! i don't think so. next class time though my professor and i are going to argue. i want to know what i was!!!! i probably was just weird, which would explain alot of things. also i want to go to vegas this summer. i got a yes from fotini, and i have shared with others my love for wanting to go back....but no one wants to go see the star trek exihibit with me. and that sucks. because you people don't know what your missing out on. but then again i am not into play station or wii so we are even. don't forget to bowl because pizza is feb. 9th. i hope everyone can make it....we really should get together more often. it really is a bit funny, this feeling inside, i am not one of those that can easily hide, i have got bowl, cause it's my goal and i need u to help me get through. that's right. i know i have an overdemanding personality, but i like it. and i try and be funny and lighthearted about it so if you really can't go i understand just remember this is your song, your bowling song, i hope you don't mind i hope you don't mind that i put down in words how wonderful life is when there is bowling in the world. speaking of sports i am totally on for a round of bottle hockey. it was discussed at new years' eve but i am encouraging it. does any one remember the rules? i really want to play it again. please. also my whole soda newyears eve thing is really going quite well. although i had two today, but there have been days, i repeat days where i haven't had a coke at all. and i have switched to capri sun's. because they rock and they are portable. pouches....hello!! i am on the honor roll because of last semester, because i rock. and the boy cott worked all new kim possible episodes season 4 come out in feb. see disney only does 3 seasons of each show, regardless if it's cartoon, or real people. but there was a petition to bring kim possible back, and it worked. yeah!!!! lets celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music. i believe that i have might possibly run out of things to say. i hope this catches you up in the world of diana. if you have any question, don't hesistate to ask!! have a nice day!!!!

THE END!!!!!!!